Good afternoon, I am startin 2 rite dis blog @ 2:45 xactly. It'll probs b around half 3 by da time i iz finished! lol!
Nothin xitin as appened l8ly. sports hall floor is bein re-dun. YAY!!!!! No badminton dis mornin. NAY!!!!!
Well, as im sure it is in many places of da country, it iz COMPLETELY BUCKETIN wiv rain here in "sunny" Southampton - nearly as bad as wen i wnt 2 spain 4 da 1st time bt dat woz cos it woz tropical storms. Dis is just a lil april shower dat got its timing wrong n is runnin almost as l8 as i am. (usually around 2 months) AT LEAST MINE'S FASHIONABLE!!!!! (much like my mock-croc dolly shoes.........) lol!
So. We r currently stuk indoors wiv nuffink 2 do. Av finished readin all da magazines, dun mosta my hw (xept my coursework cos nobody likes doin coursework) n am now sat in fronta da computa bringin 2 u dis delightful upd8 on da gr8 british weatha...........
I hope it aint like dis in da arctic!!!!!!!!!!!!! My hair will get wet if it is! Like it did yestaday. Wiv DISASTROUS consequences...
I saw michelle walkin down da road earlia 2day. Dunno y i felt i had 2 add dat in bt i did. So dere u go. A (pretty xitin) day in da life of me. (Notice da hyperbole dere miss edwards?!?!?!?!?!)
well, there u av it! A borin blog 2 match a borin day in borin weatha n borin hw. Im sure u can all feel my extaticness.
Well, dat's my daily upd8 now so im gonna luv ya n leave ya n probs go 2 my nans in bout 14 minittz time!
Lets jst hope da sunshine prevails victorious in da end!!!!!