Only 4 n a half days until we board r first flite 2 oslo!!!!!

*This piece of news deserves a very special mention, hence da use of da star! lol!
Me, mich, ellouise n tom av been asked 2 go 2 BBC studios on Monday nite @ 6 o clock 2 do a lil piece bout r trip on da news wiv Sally Taylor!!!!! Wow! (dontcha just lurrrve dat red sofa! I do!) n its gonna b live so if i make a complete idiot outta myself (as i have a tendency 2 do) der will b no1 2 edit it out - I dunno whether 2 b exited or terrified!!!!! lol!
*Would like 2 say thanku 2 my tutor, mrs lea 4 sponsorin me 4 da race 4 life n also 2 holly sandberg hu is providin da pink fairy wings - LUV U HOLZ!!!!! u hav now had da privilege of appearin in r blog! lol! Oh n i wanna say hi 2 mr thurgood hu has only just discovered r blog n miss fearon hu also rox! WE LUV U ALL!!!!! lol!
*Hi effelence, iced gems n a new shade of green hu hav also been commentin on here! Ur blogs r lookin fantabulous 2 n we r ReaLLy lookin 4wd 2 meetin u all on WEDNESDAY (!!!!!) 2 those of u hu dont no, probably most of u, these r sum of da other teams dat won n r comin 2 da arctic wiv us - THEY ROK!!!!! lol!

*I really should b packin bt i really cant b bothad. I av realised dat altho my waterproof trousas r 2 short, i can unzip da sides n dey suddenly look 10x longer! lol! Am hopin (SERIOUSLY hopin) dat it doesnt rain in da arctic tho - like it did 2day. Grrrrr............ ( i fink google's runnin outta rain pix cos i bn stealin dem all 2 use on here!)It absolutely bucketed down earlier - i woz most definitely NOT a happy bunny.

*In other news..... 5 DAYS 2 GO!!!!!
Sum mor images of stuff dat we will hopefully c while we r there!

Ok, so maybe not!

An arctic fox - these r just GaWjUS!!! lol! Really wanna c one of these.

Huskies - we r goin dog-sleddin!

POLAR BEARS!!!!! its alwayas bn my dream 2 c one of these!!!!!
In all seriousness tho, we will c the full xtent 2 which we r killin r planet so it is gonna b a real eye-opener n hopefully we can help people 2 change 4 da better.
Must go - can sum1 plz record me da rok concert @ wildern on saturday plz cos i really wanna go bt i cant so, PLEASE?????!!!! LOL!