Yay - another blog!!!!
Right, will keep this short and sweet
I, natalie jade sutton, would sincerely wish to thank Mr. R Groom and the art depertment due to the fact that he and his luvverly colleagues have just kindly provided me with a luvverly new art book to take to the arctic with me so now I can also practise my observational skills - maybe it's a slight hint?!?!?!? lol! Yeah neway, WE LUV U ART DEPT!!!!!! (we luv evry1 dont we?!?!?!? lol!)
OMg this is turnin in2 sum kind of oscars speech n i sed dat i'd keep it short and sweet didn't i?
I am currently multi-tasking - i am blogging away happily @ Mrs. B (aka Ribby)'s laptop as my computer is still down.
Anyway, yes, multi-tasking i am also talking 2 my 2 delightful friendy ppl Jess and Emma AND listening to Ribby @ same time. HOW IMPRESSIVE IS DAT! LOL! As Mrs b would say: cool beans!!! lol!
C u guys l8r!!!!
Mwah! luv u all!!!!!
PS please comment!!!! AND PUBLICISE!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and there was ANOTHER bday yesterday - Ribby's nan!
I actually am gonna go now!!