Yay - another blog!!!!
Right, will keep this short and sweet
I, natalie jade sutton, would sincerely wish to thank Mr. R Groom and the art depertment due to the fact that he and his luvverly colleagues have just kindly provided me with a luvverly new art book to take to the arctic with me so now I can also practise my observational skills - maybe it's a slight hint?!?!?!? lol! Yeah neway, WE LUV U ART DEPT!!!!!! (we luv evry1 dont we?!?!?!? lol!)
OMg this is turnin in2 sum kind of oscars speech n i sed dat i'd keep it short and sweet didn't i?
I am currently multi-tasking - i am blogging away happily @ Mrs. B (aka Ribby)'s laptop as my computer is still down.
Anyway, yes, multi-tasking i am also talking 2 my 2 delightful friendy ppl Jess and Emma AND listening to Ribby @ same time. HOW IMPRESSIVE IS DAT! LOL! As Mrs b would say: cool beans!!! lol!
C u guys l8r!!!!
Mwah! luv u all!!!!!
PS please comment!!!! AND PUBLICISE!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and there was ANOTHER bday yesterday - Ribby's nan!
I actually am gonna go now!!
ummm... i fink i kno her lol!
hehe i lyk ur Oscars-style acceptance speech of my luvverly new art book!!!
hehe cya,
lyl vicki...<3
The blog is looking really good guys! Best of luck on the Arctic trip - don't forget warm socks!
Sally (The blonde girl with the photographer at the finals day)
Hey pplz!!! Luv u all Vicki yes u do no her. Sally, hi and welcome 2 r blog! Ma mummy actually got me sum sox 2day! lol!
Dear natures angels,
You need to add to your itinerary - July 16th, back to Wildern, show Mrs Broadribb the video and photos and re-live the trip!
You also need to think about research...have you done any internet searches yet on the places you are going and the Artic generally? What do you know about it?...........hmmmmm!
Keep on blogging!
Gr8 idea miss - will add it Asap. !!!
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