(still raining...)
Right, well. Hmmmm.
ok, sooooooo we av 2 days 2 go n i aint packed yet n 2moz i am bizzie bizzie bizzie!!!!! lol!

*FIrst of all, b4 we start properly, i would like 2 emphasise da fact that i did NOT make a complete idiot of myself on live TV. (!!!!!) i av ad many txts 2nite - all of them tellin me that thats the quietest they av ever seen me! (Simon Cowell spring 2 mind???)we would like 2 give our most sincerest apologies 2 r beloved Mrs B - we 4got 2 mention u on live national telly.
If u missed us, copy n paste this in2 the address bar 2 see us on tv!
http://search.bbc.co.uk/cgi-bin/search/results.pl?q=Arctic+teenagers+trip&scope=all&tab=av&recipe=all and we r the first one there.
*OMG i av ad SUCH a traumatic day 2day - I was happily goin along my daily business wen i thought we would need da Ice Edge Winners Certificate. SO i 4t, 'OK, ill go get it' Well, it woznt wer i 4t it woz so i went 2 reception. I found out dat i had 2 go 2 da general office (or summat like dat) n they showed me 2 sumwer else ni woz like OMG! The words 'pillar' and 'post' cum 2 mind........
Yeah, so i finally managed 2 get it n finished da day without breaking it (Quite prouda dat) n den i went 2 my tech room wiv Mr D 2 do my mirror. Finished dat(well almost) again quite prouda it n den i went home. Now, i kinda 4got dat i ad given it 2 sir 2 look after cos i didnt wanna break it......... so i walked home. Without da certific8. oops.
Got home afta a long 25min (fast) walk n started gettin ready. i couldn't find da certificate. so i rang my mum hu woz up @ wildern neway n told her 2 go 2 555 - da wrong room. Dubble oops. Unsurprisingly, she couldn't find it. But Mr Dymock had gone home so she didnt no hu 2 ask 2 help find it. Luckily she found my luvverly history teacher (hu hasnt had a mention on dis blog yet) Miss Rea - shes REALLi nice. They also came across Miss Bropadribb (also very nice) along their travels. Eventually, they found it in 556. God knows how it got there considerin i woz in 557. SO they found it. We took it 2 da BBC wiv us bt we then discovered that their valiant efforts had been in vain - the galss meant that we couldn't show it on the news cos of da glare. WHAT A PALAVER!!!! Or as WIlliam Shakespeare might say, Much Ado About Nothing.
I will take it back tomorrow - without forgetting it......

OMG we wer treated like royalty @ da BBC - we got r own dressing room and they did r make-up 4 us (i happened 2 b wearin so much already dat they didnt really need 2 do much....) WE EVEN HAD THOSE FUNKADELIK MIRRORS WIV ALL DA LIGHTBULBS ROUND THEM!!!!!
its amazing how u r just drawn in2 da light.........almost like moths on a lightbulb.............

Callum - ud better win dis challenge against miss weids - i wanna c u dressed as a woman! lol!
OMG - LESS THAN 2 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!! I need 2 start packing!!!!!
One final note, I would like 2 say a massiv thanku 2 every1 hu has been involved in this once-in-a-lifetime chance for us. I would also like 2 thank my AMAZING big step-sister Stace for doin my hair - I LUV U ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
(Mr Groom, i shall b taking dat nu art book wiv me - WIV PRIDE!)