Well, hello there my friends! n how r u all on dis......... fine(!!!) day?????
Nice weatha 4 ducks as they say, but sadly not nice weatha 4 da rest of us - me included! Pretty much continuous rainfall 2day so my precious athletics was cancelled (not that i can run v well @ da moment neway afta da disasta in Homebase....)lol! Oh well...
OMG we r all soooooooo xited @ da mo! Cant believe we only av bout 8 n a half days til we leave~!!!!!!!!!
Duz ne1 no if da ship has a gym on it? Or sum treadmills? Cos i got da Race 4 life on da 15th which is da day afta we get bak!!!!! (i avent actually dun ne trainin yet!)

Just outta interest - if ne otha teams r readin this now, is da weatha as bad where u r as it is here???
Ear Reading n all dose fings outta da way....... I STILL GOTTA GET SUM TROUSERS!!!!!! lol!
I reckon we r all gonna get serious jetlag by da time we arrive. R they a day ahead of us or summat cos those flight times r really confusin me (no nasty remarks please. No names, Aaron something Parker)
Omg rite, i burnt a tea towel @ da weekend! Oops!
Btw, callum is annoyed dat i mentioned him in da blog so i 4t i would mention him again (not to wind him up or nefin.......) We r now officially not bringin him bak a present.
*Is it jst me or has EVRY1 bn askin us 2 bring bak polar bears? How da hell r we supposed 2 catch 1, sed8 it long enuff 2 drag in on2 da cruise ship n in2 r suitcases n, 2 top it all off, pass da baggage restrictions @ da airport??? I dont fink im gonna get thru neway n dats bad enuff!!!!!

We would all like 2 giv a special mention 2 Miss Natalie Weids, hu is leaving us 2 go 2 FAREHAM.......... lol! WE LUV U MISS!!!!!
Gotta go! Will c all u luvverlies l8r on!