* I believe dat congratulations r in order 4 Mr rosenburg n mr dymock hu av both, 2day, managed 2 figure out how 2 leave a comment (with r help of course! lol!)
So, here u go. Congratulations. lol!

*I would personally like 2 say a MASSIV thanku 2 Mrs Anne Lockely and Mrs Ann Picton-Jones hu both, extremely generously might i add, sponsored me for da Race 4 Life which takes place da day afta we arrive home from the arctic! I am going as a fairy, or angel, 2 celebr8 r success as Natures Angels (and just 2 get in da papers, of course! lol - only jokin!) If anyone else would like 2 sponsor me, my tutor room is 103 n i can usually b found wanderin round da skl wiv michelle @ breaks! (unless its rainin n im cowerin inside!)

*Da weatha has brightened up - it musta got my (many) messages! Not 4 long tho - its supposed 2 b showers 2moz bt brightenin up l8r in da day. Yay! Well, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining!
*in reply 2 miss weids, we shall indeed b takin a stick wiv us 2 write in da snow dat "Miss Natalie Weids is leaving Wildern School 2 go 2 Fareham" - and yes, we will b takin a pic of it n postin it on here - Watch dis space! lol!
*OmG i av sooooooo much hw 2 do ova da weekend n i in Andover avec my Dad n stepmum Toni n step-brothers n -sisters - Stace, Dani, Aaron n Zak. I fink il b workin non-stop - there goes my chance of goin 2 da golf range! lol!

*2 all my luvlie swannie netballers current and ex, and my new frifends hu i met yestaday includin rosie n zoe, WE LUV U ALL!!!!! SWAN ROX!!!!!!
(i do also happen 2 luv my lil y6 berrywood netballers hu hav really progressed l8ly n im soooooo proud of dem n hope dey luv me 2!!!)
Mwah! Luv y'all!!!!!