Thursday, 21 June 2007

I actually am feelin uninspired so im gonna call dis blog: "Untitled 1"

Aloha there my penguin-footed lil luvliez!!!
I went shoppin 2day. Please leave comments 4 me 2 tel me wot u did 2day! I luv readin ur feedbak - at least i no i aint da only 1 dat replies 2 my blogz!!!
I am now officially ready 4 da arctic! Apart from my salopettezzzzzz! (my dads m8 andy's bn ringin round every single 1 of his suppliers 2 find a pair dat r long enuff 4 me! lol!) At least sumbody luvz me! Ps aaron, i am updatin dis blog and dedicatin it specially 2 u cos da last 1 fell far belo ur high standards of expectation.
Duz dat even make sense? It sounds alrite n neway, I NO WOT I MEAN!!!
Sports day came n went 2day - HOW MEGA-FANTABULOUS WOZ DAT!!!!! Highlite of my year - thats da only important d8 on my calendar (how sad is my life!?!?!?!?!) lol
Note 2 miss ellard - me n michelle will each b purchasin 1 of dose funkadelic gcse pe tops - THEY COMPLETELY ROCK! LUV it!
Really gettin xited now - LESS DAN 2 WEEKS 2 GO!!!!!!!!! 1 week 5 days n a few measly hours dat i couldnt b bothad 2 count!lol!
Many of u will b devastated 2 no dat i av currently lost my voice. (I really should stop cheerin on da other teams - oh, but my frends r init - WOT A HEART-WRENCHIN DECISION!!!!!!) Sayin dat, most of u will b feelin jubilant n startin 2 rejoice in the non-loudness of my self. lol!
U all luv me realli!
Newayz, must dash, am mega-tired n gotta str8n hair b4 bed. Woo! luv y'all!!!!
Post-script: Bedford rok 4eva. WE LUV U BEDFORD!!!!!