Aloha there my penguin-footed lil luvliez!!!
I went shoppin 2day. Please leave comments 4 me 2 tel me wot u did 2day! I luv readin ur feedbak - at least i no i aint da only 1 dat replies 2 my blogz!!!
I am now officially ready 4 da arctic! Apart from my salopettezzzzzz! (my dads m8 andy's bn ringin round every single 1 of his suppliers 2 find a pair dat r long enuff 4 me! lol!) At least sumbody luvz me! Ps aaron, i am updatin dis blog and dedicatin it specially 2 u cos da last 1 fell far belo ur high standards of expectation.
Duz dat even make sense? It sounds alrite n neway, I NO WOT I MEAN!!!
Sports day came n went 2day - HOW MEGA-FANTABULOUS WOZ DAT!!!!! Highlite of my year - thats da only important d8 on my calendar (how sad is my life!?!?!?!?!) lol
Note 2 miss ellard - me n michelle will each b purchasin 1 of dose funkadelic gcse pe tops - THEY COMPLETELY ROCK! LUV it!
Really gettin xited now - LESS DAN 2 WEEKS 2 GO!!!!!!!!! 1 week 5 days n a few measly hours dat i couldnt b bothad 2 count!lol!
Many of u will b devastated 2 no dat i av currently lost my voice. (I really should stop cheerin on da other teams - oh, but my frends r init - WOT A HEART-WRENCHIN DECISION!!!!!!) Sayin dat, most of u will b feelin jubilant n startin 2 rejoice in the non-loudness of my self. lol!
U all luv me realli!
Newayz, must dash, am mega-tired n gotta str8n hair b4 bed. Woo! luv y'all!!!!
Post-script: Bedford rok 4eva. WE LUV U BEDFORD!!!!!
LMAO u lost ur voice!!!
Well dose PE tops totally rock nd i luv dem lds
Also wow - ur organised rly. lol
Dont 4get bt da Podcast interview 2moz!
Also sports day rockz nd we came 2nd in da relay nd i won my heat of da 100m - woo!
well i uninspired 2 so gonna go
luv ya lds
A much better blog. I even like the title original in a random sorta way lol!
so you've lost your voice hmmmm?? well i suppose all of your teachers may be cheering now too lol cos they may have a peaceful lesson. Nah only jokin, hope it gets better before arctic!!
Make sure that you look out for arctic tsunamis!! (email to follow to prove that im not joking!!)
Cya later!!
Duke (or Duck as sum1 in my tutor wrote on a banner) is da BEST!!!!
Well da Tsunami email is ummm random nd weird but hey. lol
Well random fact - i nrly walked out infront of a tractor on da way home 2day. lol
Luv ya
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