Well, ere i am again.... another day, another blog!
(Im gettin da hang of dis now - i can actually rite a blog wivout completely ruinin da COMPUTA! lol - PROUDA IT! lol!
If u'd like ne mor info on us, we r on page 8 of da Daily Echo - City Final Edition, dated the 20th June 2007 (just in case u dont c dis blog 2moz n find out we aint init!) INNIT! yeah. rok on.
And in other announcements,
We r all ded xited bout it, speshly bein da fitness freaks, sorry, fanatix dat myself n michelle r!!!!!
Pe ppl - if u r readin dis - PLEAZ COMMENT - i emaild u so u av no xcuse! apart from sum of u. Hu i 4got 2 email. like mr grant. N sum1 else 2.
Aint got ne random facts of da day 2day soz - i do apologizzzzze! (big gasp!)
Um, so, yeah. I fink dats it 4 2day. O yeah, me n mich jst ad netball so we r once again PUBLISIZIN r blog. Cos we luv it.
Non-uniform on friday. SHOPPIN 2MORO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
iN MY OPINION, shopping is da gr8est sport one could indulge oneself in. Apart from netball (i put dat bit in 4 miss ellard) and athletix (that bits 4 mr thurgood) and badminton (this lil bits 4 jeremy hu i wont c til 8TH SEPTEMBA!!!!! Soz jezza - we luv u!
Yep, dats about it. Borin day, not much 2 say.
Ps - i dont actually no wot dis pic is ere 4. I jst 4t it looked pritty.