da realisation dat we av actually 1 a nationwide competition is finally just beginnin 2 sink in - 8 DAYS B4 WE LEAVE!!!!! lol! WOW!!!!
I av a lot of hellos 2 say 2day!
Ello 2 vicky hu is completely devast8d dat ian doesnt recognise her..... lol!
Ello 2 Mr Dymock, hu STILL AINT COMMENTED YET!!!!!
Ello 2 amanda - yep i agree wiv u - xams completely suk lol!
And FINALLY, ello 2 miss Weids hu is not only a traitor but as also cum up wiv da most cheesiest comment yet!!!
(i reckon now i sed dat, deres gonna b a race on btween callum n miss weids 2 either "reign supreme" or "steal da title"...... lol!
Ps we aint gonna get u a prezzie cos u r leavin us 2 go 2 FAREHAM........traitor.

Still rainin...........
As im sure many of u can tell, i am not, unlike da luvvly lil dux in da park across da road, a fan of wet weatha. My hair frizzes up, my makeup washes off and i get stressed. Not only that, but i get cold n wet 2 as da cars seem 2 hav sum kinda obsession wiv drivin in da biggest puddle rite nxt 2 me n cre8in a mini-tidal wave weneva i walk past. Now thats jst nasty............
*OMG dis is actually quite urgent - i cant get ne waterproof trousas ne-where dat r long enuff 4 me - any shorta n mosta em would b knee-bashas!!!!! Duz ne1 no wer i can get sum long-length ones frm??????? Plz? Wer i can realistically get within 8 days?
*Here r sum pix of sum of da stuff we r gonna b doin:

lookin @ walrus colonies

see sum polar bears!!!!!

Luv u all!!!!!!!