da realisation dat we av actually 1 a nationwide competition is finally just beginnin 2 sink in - 8 DAYS B4 WE LEAVE!!!!! lol! WOW!!!!
I av a lot of hellos 2 say 2day!
Ello 2 vicky hu is completely devast8d dat ian doesnt recognise her..... lol!
Ello 2 Mr Dymock, hu STILL AINT COMMENTED YET!!!!!
Ello 2 amanda - yep i agree wiv u - xams completely suk lol!
And FINALLY, ello 2 miss Weids hu is not only a traitor but as also cum up wiv da most cheesiest comment yet!!!
(i reckon now i sed dat, deres gonna b a race on btween callum n miss weids 2 either "reign supreme" or "steal da title"...... lol!
Ps we aint gonna get u a prezzie cos u r leavin us 2 go 2 FAREHAM........traitor.

Still rainin...........
As im sure many of u can tell, i am not, unlike da luvvly lil dux in da park across da road, a fan of wet weatha. My hair frizzes up, my makeup washes off and i get stressed. Not only that, but i get cold n wet 2 as da cars seem 2 hav sum kinda obsession wiv drivin in da biggest puddle rite nxt 2 me n cre8in a mini-tidal wave weneva i walk past. Now thats jst nasty............
*OMG dis is actually quite urgent - i cant get ne waterproof trousas ne-where dat r long enuff 4 me - any shorta n mosta em would b knee-bashas!!!!! Duz ne1 no wer i can get sum long-length ones frm??????? Plz? Wer i can realistically get within 8 days?
*Here r sum pix of sum of da stuff we r gonna b doin:

lookin @ walrus colonies

see sum polar bears!!!!!

Luv u all!!!!!!!
HMMMMMmm..... wat to say???? well i havent commented in about 2 days!! (altho with a blog a day it getting hard to keep up!!!)
Anyways it is getting really close and i mean really really close you are all sooooooo lucky!!
Walruses...polar bears... HUSKIES!!! lol i'll have one pls!! if you can get it past baggage (hows da packing going nat?)
hmmm.. wat to say... ummm good luck and i guess there will probably be another blog tomorrow so i will look forward to it!
Ok umm... well I just bn 2 a China meetin nd fingers crossed my passport will b bk 2moz!!! YAY!!dat is v gd!! lol
Well yes - hi 2 all r teachers nd luv ya all lds.
Da weva - well da weva is anova story all 2geva!!!
I do home we c polar bears caus dey lk all cute nd fluffy (evendogh i no dey not). lol
Well callum we will make sure we keep mentionin u in r blog caus i n o how much u luv it!!!!
Cya soon
luvs yas all
I ment 2 say: I do hope we c polar bears caus dey lk all cute nd fluffy (evendogh i no dey not). lol
There - does dat make u happy Aaron. lol
Luvs ya all
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