I would howeva, like 2 mention da fact dat sum ppl (no names mr steven dymock) av not yet commented on r blog (and mr ian rosenburg n miss weids hu has been on but i would just like 2 reiterate da fact dat she is leaving us 4 da fareham ppl.........traitor.) lol!
Packin is not comin along at all yet aaron in reply 2 ur comment - i av not yet packed a SINGLE fing!!!!! (i really shld b mor organised)
Miss Ellard - WE LUV U n r xpectin a comment by 2moz.....! lol!
Managed 2 get sum waterproof trousers but...... w8 4 it....... dey r WAAAAAYYY 2 short. Grr......

Well, ere is anotha weatha upd8 4 those of u hu, comme moi, are 2 lazy 2 get off der backsides n go look out da window. Da weatha is rainin, pretty continual precipit8ion in fact. H8 it. Absolutely loathe it.N wot appened 2 da supposed "heatwave" dat was "just around da corner"?
Got soaked earlia cos sum bike 4t it wld b funny 2 ride up rite nxt 2 me thru da middle of a MASSIV gr8 puddle. (I shal get my revenge.......!)
Jst bn 2 netball - da last 1 dis year! Sob, sob! lol!
Sum mor pix of stuff we will hopefully b doin (at least it wont b rainin as much in da arctic):
I av found a pic of a ship called Polaris bt i aint sure if its da 1 we r stayin on

This sign is found nowhere else in da world xept svalbard

Svalbard itself - how BE-a-utiful is dis!!!!!
Dat is wer we r stayin!!!!!
N dese r wot we wil hopefully c:

Do i really need 2 say ne mor????? lol!
Luv y'all! Mwah!
remember - in english in da arctic!!!
well people should comment caus tis fun! woo
I not packed nythin yet eva caus icba nd hv 2 go 2 camp @ da wkend 1st. lol
Well 2day I got nothin 2 say so i wont nd i will get on wiv my french hw like a gd lil girl.
oh yeh - i in a v random mood. lol
Luv ya lds
Not got much to say really yesterday was an alright day cos i had to teach little ppl PE as part of my JSLA course. But it was raining again!!
That last picture wat is that animal?? reaindeer? or sum other kind of deer?? hmmmmm very peculiar.
It is starting to get really close now.
You leave right in the middle of my work experience!! so technically friday will be the last day i will see any of you apart from mich who is backstaging on saturday lol.!!
Talk later
Soooo...hmmm wat to say??? Well, firstly I am insulted that no-one ever thought to ask the Fairtrade gang if they wanted to go to Ghana to officially present the community with a goat!! A whole years gruelling service and a lot of chocolate and not one hint of a ticket!
And now off you young people go frolicking across the Artic! Well I hope you're happy!
Lmao! No seriously though... I hope you have an amazing time. Don't forget to send postcards!!!
I think your project looks really interesting and exciting. Unfortunately I can understand about a tenth of what you have posted due to the text language used. If you want to be credible and informative perhaps you should consider correct English as an appropriate form of communication.
Good luck on your trip
Well Ladies...
I think everyone is now fully aware of the fact that I am going to Fareham. Should you feel the need to take a stick and write it in the snow and leave us a picture, that would be very much appreciated i'm sure...!
Having been reliably informed during todays ICT lesson that there are NO penguins where you are going, I should like to change my order to a reiny-deer (preferably one with a shiny red nose like the song...Can we achieve this??
On a serious note, looked at the pics and am incredibly envious now, hope you have an amazing time.
Miss Weids
Hi natures angels, thank you very much for getting me organised and into the 21st Century with this blogging idea, its excellent.
I also hope you have a fantastic time in the artic and hope that its not tooooooo cold. I also look fwd to seeing and reading about it on this site.
Best wishes and good luck MrR
Hello to the angels,
I feel quite stupid that I did not work this out myself - and I'm a Technology teacher!!! Still, if you need any wood cut then I'm your man.
This blog thing is great!!! Look forward to seeing all the pictures from the Artic.
Michelle - Can't believe I'm not teaching you again! I'll probably give you an A for your mirror (6.8).
Have a good trip Natalie and see you after for some more Tech fun!! And another thing blog wonders - can you show me how to put pics on this???
Right, I'm off home to clear the saw dust out of my nose and will hopefully see you Sat night at the band concert
Love Mr D xxxx
Wow - 3 teachers in 1 day - dats a miracle (think dats how u spell it) lol
Well I no - tis v sad dat my last lessons eva r cumin 2 an end 4 sum subjects nd I is v sad - just wish I coulda taken more options!!! lol
Mr D - not sure if you can put pics on comments but will try sort out. Nd wow - 6.8 for my mirror is pretty kl caus i thought twas amazin. lol Da rock concert on Sat will b fun even though I not sure xactly wat I doin stage tech wise yet but r well. lol
Mr R - We r hopin 2 put all da pics nd filmin we do in2 a film of sum kind so mayb we could show dat in assembly wen we get back or sumin nd talk bt r trip. But will tlk bt it in September or sumin caus I not bk @ skl b4 da end of term! How will evry1 survive wivout me (or ellouise or nat) lol!
Miss W (to join da rest of da teacher crew) - will try for a reindeer but will a huskie do? lol. Also will def take a pic of it wrtten in da snow. lol
plz comment lds wen we in da arctic!!!
luv ya
oh yeh - 4got 2 mension - I had 2 b interupted in da middle of dat comment as da ice cream man came round my road so went 2 get an ice cream - so am sat here - wiv ma ice cream wiv a choco flake writin da comments. lol
Well gtg
Luv ya
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