OMG 10 DAYS TIL WE BOARD R FLITE 2 OSLO! (and Tromso. And svalbard.) lol!
I av finally cum up wiv, not A definitiv list, but THE definitiv list - im only takin bout 73 fings. Not bad considerin it woz bout 143 wen i started crossin stuff off!!!!!
I SERIOUSLY don't fink my suitcase wil pass da baggage restrictions!!! Ill just get u lot 2 leave sum spare room in ur cases n il shuv all my stuff in der!!! lol! U no u all luv me realli! lol! As much as im sure u wd all luv 2 c xactly wot im takin, im afraid i cant publish it bcos it would probs take up bout a page n a half (ha, beat dat callum!!!!!)
*Da new craze 2 sweep da nation (no, not a broom) is EarReading. How the hell can u tell wot sum1's like jst by lookin @ der ears?????
Rite, lets find out......
Big ears:"You'll always b independent and energetic, even when you're an old granny" (yeah, mayb if u got a mobility scoota. But seriously, hu wd wanna b runnin on a treadmill n bouncin about 2 aerobix wen dey r 78??!)
Hairy ears:"Minging, but apparently this means you'll have a long and happy life!" (I'm sorry, but HU uses minging as a word ne mor?)
Big earlobes:"These r lucky and mean that you'll enjoy a fun-filled life, with lots of mates" (Yeah, but wot if, like me, u r a self-confessed loner?)
Higher than eyebrows:"You're intelligent and will come into money - you could be as rich as Li-Lo!" (Sure.......)
Pardon me for bein so pessimistic der.........
Wot if u dont fall in2 ne of dose categories? Ur a bit of an in-betweener - like fungi.

*Can I jst ask - has ne1 else heard "Foundations" by Kate Nash? Its amazin! Luv it!
Reminds me a bit of Lily Allen (i like her 2) but i luv dis song!!!!
*I luv using dese lil star fingees!!!!! **********x**********
Last netball trainin 4 me n michelle dis week - it finishes while we r away!!!!! Grrrrrrrr......................................................................

LUV U ALL!!!!!!!