OMG 10 DAYS TIL WE BOARD R FLITE 2 OSLO! (and Tromso. And svalbard.) lol!
I av finally cum up wiv, not A definitiv list, but THE definitiv list - im only takin bout 73 fings. Not bad considerin it woz bout 143 wen i started crossin stuff off!!!!!
I SERIOUSLY don't fink my suitcase wil pass da baggage restrictions!!! Ill just get u lot 2 leave sum spare room in ur cases n il shuv all my stuff in der!!! lol! U no u all luv me realli! lol! As much as im sure u wd all luv 2 c xactly wot im takin, im afraid i cant publish it bcos it would probs take up bout a page n a half (ha, beat dat callum!!!!!)
*Da new craze 2 sweep da nation (no, not a broom) is EarReading. How the hell can u tell wot sum1's like jst by lookin @ der ears?????
Rite, lets find out......
Big ears:"You'll always b independent and energetic, even when you're an old granny" (yeah, mayb if u got a mobility scoota. But seriously, hu wd wanna b runnin on a treadmill n bouncin about 2 aerobix wen dey r 78??!)
Hairy ears:"Minging, but apparently this means you'll have a long and happy life!" (I'm sorry, but HU uses minging as a word ne mor?)
Big earlobes:"These r lucky and mean that you'll enjoy a fun-filled life, with lots of mates" (Yeah, but wot if, like me, u r a self-confessed loner?)
Higher than eyebrows:"You're intelligent and will come into money - you could be as rich as Li-Lo!" (Sure.......)
Pardon me for bein so pessimistic der.........
Wot if u dont fall in2 ne of dose categories? Ur a bit of an in-betweener - like fungi.

*Can I jst ask - has ne1 else heard "Foundations" by Kate Nash? Its amazin! Luv it!
Reminds me a bit of Lily Allen (i like her 2) but i luv dis song!!!!
*I luv using dese lil star fingees!!!!! **********x**********
Last netball trainin 4 me n michelle dis week - it finishes while we r away!!!!! Grrrrrrrr......................................................................

LUV U ALL!!!!!!!
Ok - dat was ummm interestin.
10 days - wow i didnt no - dats amazin!!!
well i not made a list of wat i taken but i nd 2 start lkin l8r caus sum of it will prob nd washin b4 i go!!! lol
NO WAY r u hvin ny room from my suitcase!!!!! It will b stuffed as it is nowin me!!! lol
Well we only miss 1 netball so its not dat bad!! lol
Well luv ya all
Do we? oh - dats not 2 bad den. BUT WOT IF DEY R GIVIN OUT SWEETZ COS IT IZ DA LAST WEEK?!?!?!?!!?
hmmmm...... sweets or arctic.... difficult decision!!!!
Oh plz? My suitcase weighs 3 kilos so i only av 17 kilos of baggage space left!!!!!!!!!! Ohhhhhh...... . N hand luggage. Wot 2 take - such an agonisin decision!
Dontcha fink dat ear-readin fing is such a rip-off!!!! (no offence 2 all u qualified ear readers out der!!!) lol!
OMGGGGGGGGG W8 A MIN...... R U TRYIN 2 SAY........... IM MOR ORGANISED DAN u?????????????????
lUV Y'ALL!!!!!!!
Mwah! XxXxxXxX
Yeh - u r. lol
Well makin a list is - I just bn doin hw all day but nd 2 sort out sum stuff 4 washin l8r.
Luv ya
This is rachel for Effelence! Well done on your blog guys! It looks mint! Well done. See you soon! We can't wait.
Well dat was certainly.... ummmmm..... interesting??
I'm not sure that i believe in all of that ear-reading bussiness - no offence to those of you do *mutters* the sad muppets...
That is really really close now!!
hmmm 10 days, that is in da middle o fmy work experience... that is also very close but im not sure if it quite as exciting as da arctic!!
Good luck with da suitcase!!
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