Well, hello there my friends! n how r u all on dis......... fine(!!!) day?????
Nice weatha 4 ducks as they say, but sadly not nice weatha 4 da rest of us - me included! Pretty much continuous rainfall 2day so my precious athletics was cancelled (not that i can run v well @ da moment neway afta da disasta in Homebase....)lol! Oh well...
OMG we r all soooooooo xited @ da mo! Cant believe we only av bout 8 n a half days til we leave~!!!!!!!!!
Duz ne1 no if da ship has a gym on it? Or sum treadmills? Cos i got da Race 4 life on da 15th which is da day afta we get bak!!!!! (i avent actually dun ne trainin yet!)

Just outta interest - if ne otha teams r readin this now, is da weatha as bad where u r as it is here???
Ear Reading n all dose fings outta da way....... I STILL GOTTA GET SUM TROUSERS!!!!!! lol!
I reckon we r all gonna get serious jetlag by da time we arrive. R they a day ahead of us or summat cos those flight times r really confusin me (no nasty remarks please. No names, Aaron something Parker)
Omg rite, i burnt a tea towel @ da weekend! Oops!
Btw, callum is annoyed dat i mentioned him in da blog so i 4t i would mention him again (not to wind him up or nefin.......) We r now officially not bringin him bak a present.
*Is it jst me or has EVRY1 bn askin us 2 bring bak polar bears? How da hell r we supposed 2 catch 1, sed8 it long enuff 2 drag in on2 da cruise ship n in2 r suitcases n, 2 top it all off, pass da baggage restrictions @ da airport??? I dont fink im gonna get thru neway n dats bad enuff!!!!!

We would all like 2 giv a special mention 2 Miss Natalie Weids, hu is leaving us 2 go 2 FAREHAM.......... lol! WE LUV U MISS!!!!!
Gotta go! Will c all u luvverlies l8r on!
Oh. I do apologise. I sed dat evry1 had asked us 2 bring dem bak a polar bear bt, I woz indeed, RONG!!!!! Andy wants us 2 bring him bak a fish.
hmmm polar bears r an interestin 1...
Well Nat I think dey r about 2 hours ahead of us so not rly jet lag - well I hope not caus i gotta go 2 China like a day nd 1/2 afta we get bk.
Nat, nat, nat - u said u was more organised dan me but i hv evrything - u dont! lol
Da weva is an interestin 1 2 - tis v umm v wet nd I dont like it but luckily it will get betta by da end of da wk wen i suppost 2 b goin campin. lol
well finally - winding callum up is def da highlight of da day!! lol
Luv ya all
Hi this is amanda from team effelence. Ur blog is looking mint all of my friends have been asking me to bring them back polar bears as well lmao. I'm not sure if there is a gym on the boat but you can see what is on the boat if you type the name in on google i think (thats what our science teacher said.) Thanks for de comment exams were rubbish anyway c ya in 9 days or however long it is.
Love amanda x
Well, I'm honoured that I made it into your blog guys!!
Seeing as everyone else has placed an order, I was wondering if you could p-p-p-p-p-pick me up a penguin on your travels...?
Have a fab time, buy me a great present!
Miss W
Well I am not sure if they have penguins in the Arctic but I will c wat we can do. lol
Well people might just have 2 settle for pics rather dan da actuall thing. lol
Luv ya lds
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