Well today was an even earlier start - 5:30 for breakfast at 7!!!!! So still very sleepy - had a fairly late night as well. Last night we went to 'Basecamp' for a meal and had very nice pizza with some very weird toppings!!! Also a yummy chocolate desert (which Mich didnt eat and gave to Ellouise as Mich doesnt like deserts!!!).
Today we went to UNIS (University Norway In Svalbard) for safety training!!! We started with a breifing about general safety and then got on a bus up to the firing range. Here we discussed what you would do if you encountered a polar bear. Then we were shown about the 30-60mm Rifle, Flare Pistol, Signal Pen and Thunder Crashes. These would all help you to scare off a polar bear or if worse comes to worse kill a polar bear!!!! :'( Unfortunatly we were not allowed a go with the guns ourselves (but count ourselves lucky when Nat is about!!! :-))
After that we went back to the University for lunch whilst the Adults stayed for more training with the guns - which some didnt enjoy. The last activity of the day was water training. We had to get into Survival Suits and went out in a Zodiak (inflatable boat) and then we jumped in and swam back to shore. 3 of us were connected with safety lines and kept getting tangled :-). Also whilst the second group did the water training we learnt about camping on Svalbard. It was really fun.
Tomorrow we are going to the Svalbard Museum in the morning, more shopping and then going onto the boat (finally). From there we are travelling North towards 81 degrees lattitude (more geography Mrs B) and going onto a glacier and some pack ice.
Well about where we are staying - at the moment we are staying in a guest house. Ellouise, Natalie and Michelle are all sharing a room and it is very messy!!!!! Tom is sharing with Alex - his friend from finals day - and also Hallum - a new friend. We have all made new friends - Lic, Lucy, Kerry, Alex and lots of the other teams. Our 'traveling group' leader Christine has been amazing and looking after us well.
All those people going to China - at this moment you will be rehearsing without me!!! :-(
The weather is umm a lil chilly but blue sky and a lil cloud - but it can change very quickly!!!! We got Ice Edge t-shirts yesterday with all the team names on the back!!! woo! Also we got hats - cool white ones with a lil ice edge badge on it!!! lol. Our jackets are well kl!! The girls are pale blue with logos on and the boys are dark blue/navy/black with 2 logos on - how cheaky!!!!!!!! :-)
Tonight we are off to a hotel for a 3 course meal but we have to walk down into the town - we are staying on the outskirts of the town and it is a big hill - so fun on the way down and not as much on the way back up!!!! :-D
We have just heard that we are goin on the boat tomorrow morning at 11am - so will be exciting because we can finally unpack n make ourselves at home!!!
We are going to go now ( so some1 else can use da laptop!) but will update soon.
C u all soon
luv ya!
(oh yeh - This was the view from one of the many aeroplanes!!! Tis amazin!!!!)
Well cya l8rs
Bi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx