Well today was an even earlier start - 5:30 for breakfast at 7!!!!! So still very sleepy - had a fairly late night as well. Last night we went to 'Basecamp' for a meal and had very nice pizza with some very weird toppings!!! Also a yummy chocolate desert (which Mich didnt eat and gave to Ellouise as Mich doesnt like deserts!!!).
Today we went to UNIS (University Norway In Svalbard) for safety training!!! We started with a breifing about general safety and then got on a bus up to the firing range. Here we discussed what you would do if you encountered a polar bear. Then we were shown about the 30-60mm Rifle, Flare Pistol, Signal Pen and Thunder Crashes. These would all help you to scare off a polar bear or if worse comes to worse kill a polar bear!!!! :'( Unfortunatly we were not allowed a go with the guns ourselves (but count ourselves lucky when Nat is about!!! :-))
After that we went back to the University for lunch whilst the Adults stayed for more training with the guns - which some didnt enjoy. The last activity of the day was water training. We had to get into Survival Suits and went out in a Zodiak (inflatable boat) and then we jumped in and swam back to shore. 3 of us were connected with safety lines and kept getting tangled :-). Also whilst the second group did the water training we learnt about camping on Svalbard. It was really fun.
Tomorrow we are going to the Svalbard Museum in the morning, more shopping and then going onto the boat (finally). From there we are travelling North towards 81 degrees lattitude (more geography Mrs B) and going onto a glacier and some pack ice.
Well about where we are staying - at the moment we are staying in a guest house. Ellouise, Natalie and Michelle are all sharing a room and it is very messy!!!!! Tom is sharing with Alex - his friend from finals day - and also Hallum - a new friend. We have all made new friends - Lic, Lucy, Kerry, Alex and lots of the other teams. Our 'traveling group' leader Christine has been amazing and looking after us well.
All those people going to China - at this moment you will be rehearsing without me!!! :-(
The weather is umm a lil chilly but blue sky and a lil cloud - but it can change very quickly!!!! We got Ice Edge t-shirts yesterday with all the team names on the back!!! woo! Also we got hats - cool white ones with a lil ice edge badge on it!!! lol. Our jackets are well kl!! The girls are pale blue with logos on and the boys are dark blue/navy/black with 2 logos on - how cheaky!!!!!!!! :-)
Tonight we are off to a hotel for a 3 course meal but we have to walk down into the town - we are staying on the outskirts of the town and it is a big hill - so fun on the way down and not as much on the way back up!!!! :-D
We have just heard that we are goin on the boat tomorrow morning at 11am - so will be exciting because we can finally unpack n make ourselves at home!!!
We are going to go now ( so some1 else can use da laptop!) but will update soon.
C u all soon
luv ya!
(oh yeh - This was the view from one of the many aeroplanes!!! Tis amazin!!!!)
Well cya l8rs
Bi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi guys! You look happy, hope u hav a good time and enjoy the trip. Ellouise, today in DIDA day we accidentaly unpurposely showed some guys in our class that charlies angels vid + Mr. Kinslow.
Luv u all!
P.S We only showed two people.
Miss u all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the glasses Natalie.........
hay ya hope ur all ok? i hope ur lookin after me sis? make sure u feed her 2 one of the polar bears! ha ha (JOKE)!!!!!!!! hay ellie my prom was great last night we all partyed until 12:30 didnt get home till 1. hav taken lots of pics 2. i danced wiv richard da one from berrywood. i had a professional pic taken as well ill tell u more when u get bac. miss ya lots and hope 2 c u soon lov ya xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Natalie, sounds like you are having a great time. Following you on BBC news. You looked lovely in your orange survival suit, Take care, lots of love Nan & Grandad
HI Michelle and Natalie
So this is my first blog are u impressed. It was the school prom and whilst sitting recovering this morning with half opened eyes watching the news was pleasantly surprised to see a news feature starring the artic and michelle how brillamt was that! the water looked v cold and i must say those suits could become the latest fashion. take lots of photos and take care. Miss Ellard :)
hi guys!!
I miss u all loads!! xxxxxx
ellouise i sumhow surived DiDA day wivout u!!! i have sooooo much 2 tell u bout wot happend on fri!! btw ur sister looked fabbi @ da prom (my family went 2 da hotel 2 c every1 in!) yup soz bout da charlies angles vid dat lauren said bout!! hehe dw only sam saw it! o yh and mr kinslow :(
Michelle - u were on da news apparently - how cum i did not see this???? :( do u know if ur b on again???
Nat - :( u better b finking of me on monday when i am in dance SUFFERING!!!
Tom - Hope all is ok and ur having an amazing time!!
btw wot is da time difference from here to where u r??
miss u loads!! emma xxxxxxx
hi tom were all missin u so much lookin foward 2 seein u ur friends ave all been talkin cu soon mate
Just downloaded the BBC Breakfast podcast to see if you have featured in it but my laptop just crashed annoyingly so will have to watch it later!!
Im missing you all loads!!! especially mich!!
cya soon!!
I am so please that you are having a great time! I saw you on BBC Breakfast yesterday and loved the survival suits!!
Keep us all posted with your experiences
Mrs B
Well done. Love you all. Hug a huskie for me. Lokk out for the northern lights and take pictures.
Enjoy china those who are going!!
x x x x
Hi guys,
Saw u on da TV twice - Those Orange suits are amazing - really suited u. Just finished watchimg da British Grand prix - Hamilton came 3rd - thinks there is a prob with the car - Oh Broadribb will be kind da happy Alsono came 2nd!! Badminton was cancelled yesterday - so had to endure my bro and will for an extra hour.
Lizzie looked amazing at the carnival yesterday - the dress was breathtaking.
Keep the posts coming - want to hear all bout it!!!
I woz chillin wit mi homies wen i sawz u on da tele. Innit mush. Dat is well sik. U r a lege man. BBBRRRAAAAPPPP. My total respect goz out 2 tom. My cousin nd all dat jaz. c uz l8z man.
luvs ya 4eva
hey tom plz say hi 2 alex 4 me he sounds cool amy told us about this site ummm dont die
p.s I WANT MY PRESENT!(josh=polar bear plz mum= ice 2 go into bacardi lol)
Hi Tom
Me and Steve were on holiday waking up to breakfast news, and up you pop on the screen. Glad it's all going well. The weather in England is rain and rain and rain, so we'll be due some sun by the time you get back.
A couple of jokes to remind you how bad I am at jokes.
Q: What did the polar bears say when they saw tourists in sleeping bags?
A: "Sandwiches!"
Q: Why do polar bears have fur coats?
A: Because the seals laughed at them when they wore parkas!
An Arctic explorer came face to face with a polar bear. Afraid of being eaten, he fell to his knees and started praying. When the polar bear knelt down beside him and started praying too, the man shouted, "It's a miracle!" The polar bear opened one eye and said "Don't talk while I'm saying grace."
Two students come across a polar bear, one quietly bends down and puts his running shoes on, his pal explains that a polar bear will outrun him. To which he replies 'i Only need to outrun you'.
Good luck Tom, we're all so proud of you. can't wait to see the picies and hear more about it when you get back
Michelle and Steve
Hi folks!
Great pics - wish I could be there but there is a job here to do with finishing all these wooden mirrors. We missed you last Thursday - the class was strangely quiet?????!!!!!!!
I shall be watching the BBC later for some more updates.
Take care
Mr D xxxx
PS - If you should meet a polar bear just lie down, curl up into a ball and don't move
Following your adventures - Nik brought over a copy of TV Coverage, a very well spoken young lady from Southampton interviewed, was this you!
Have a great time will keep reading over the week.
Dad, Susan, kenneth, Connor & Baby Ella
mich was gr8 on da tv!!
was that u in da orange suits with da reporter? it looked gr8 fun - orange is def ur colour!!
hope ur on tv 2moz - can't wait 2 c it!!
I am fillin' in Miss Collins on latest news!!
Can't wait 2 c u wen u come back!!
Loads of love for michelle <3
Nikki xxx
Hi Tommy Tucker!
S'your blatantly amazing cousins Amy and Kerrie here. Hope you're having a great time! Kerrie says that she wants to see all the pictures when you get back, 'specially the dog sleighing [or whatever] ones. Amy says LOL at the chavvy comment. Guess who wrote that...
Well anyways, see you when you get back, and just a reminder, we've been working on the railroad all the live long day, and thats hard work, don't give up!
We love you 'cus we're well cool!
LOL @ Mich's jokes.
You're a wind up...
i hope u r havin a fantastic time
it looks amazin, wish i was there
have u seen any migratery penguins?
did u save any pizzas 4 us
p.s callum wrote this
iyt (cuz) tom
ope ur havin gd tym ova dere? is it cold lol stupid question newyz c u wen u get bak
Hi there all of you - well done for a fantastic win! I have been watching you on BBC Breakfast and it looks fantastic out there. I think I saw you training for shooting polar bears and was it you going in that feezing cold water in orange suits?
Wonderful to see you having such a great time. Best wishes from everyone at Kings Copse.
if u look on polar pictures there is a lovely photo of natures angels no 9 i think
Hi superstars!
So, you must REALLY be up north right now? What happens when you are at the North Pole and get your compas out, does it spin round like a lunatic? Glad to hear you are alive and healthy. Well, at least up to July 7th.
Do the fish in the arctic really have fingers? (That's what Mr Flynn told me, because he pointed out you only ever find fish fingers frozen and the only place you find frozen fish is the arctic).
Anyway, it all sounds very exciting.... saw a bit of breakfast TV, not sure if it was actually any of you lot, but I saw some of your team swimming in those thermal suits, very cold. Very brave too I might add.
So, you're on the trip of a lifetime but missing the lessons of a lifetime; we're doing spreadsheets. Personally I think it's very exciting stuff but Wildthing, Boucher and Sandbag have all managed to find other things to do.
Well I hope you have a fab last few days (longer daylight too?) and enjoy seal burgers or whatever it is they are feeding you!
Have a safe journey home, God bless
Mr S
PS Is Lapland a real place?
Hi Guys
Websters here! Hope that you are having a great time. Missing u all - well i am (chris couldn't be less bothered.) Mr Knight read Chicken lickin in assembly this morning - aparently its meaning relating to the whole year group. Well, u r celebraties now - being on TV - espe u Mich. Grease Rehearsal going onk - main characters were learning Summer Lovin today and my job was cheif page turner. On Saturday we r going to RIAT (royal international air tattoo) and we're going to be rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous (sort of) tickets courtesy of Dad.
anyway, 3 days left to go - see u on Monday - except u Mich
C u then
P.S - Mum says hi and Callum claims he is winning the competition with Miss Weids.
Hi Guys hope you are having a great time, we, the ones left at school are surviving without you, just. The pictures look absolutely fantastic. Look after yourselves and see you when you get back or in September.
Mr. R
looks like your not missing much at school, while you are away having heeps of fun without us! but that don't really matter as it looks like you aren't really thinking about school at the moment.
P.S. missing you at stage tech mich, not as fun as usual.
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