I would howeva, like 2 mention da fact dat sum ppl (no names mr steven dymock) av not yet commented on r blog (and mr ian rosenburg n miss weids hu has been on but i would just like 2 reiterate da fact dat she is leaving us 4 da fareham ppl.........traitor.) lol!
Packin is not comin along at all yet aaron in reply 2 ur comment - i av not yet packed a SINGLE fing!!!!! (i really shld b mor organised)
Miss Ellard - WE LUV U n r xpectin a comment by 2moz.....! lol!
Managed 2 get sum waterproof trousers but...... w8 4 it....... dey r WAAAAAYYY 2 short. Grr......

Well, ere is anotha weatha upd8 4 those of u hu, comme moi, are 2 lazy 2 get off der backsides n go look out da window. Da weatha is rainin, pretty continual precipit8ion in fact. H8 it. Absolutely loathe it.N wot appened 2 da supposed "heatwave" dat was "just around da corner"?
Got soaked earlia cos sum bike 4t it wld b funny 2 ride up rite nxt 2 me thru da middle of a MASSIV gr8 puddle. (I shal get my revenge.......!)
Jst bn 2 netball - da last 1 dis year! Sob, sob! lol!
Sum mor pix of stuff we will hopefully b doin (at least it wont b rainin as much in da arctic):
I av found a pic of a ship called Polaris bt i aint sure if its da 1 we r stayin on

This sign is found nowhere else in da world xept svalbard

Svalbard itself - how BE-a-utiful is dis!!!!!
Dat is wer we r stayin!!!!!
N dese r wot we wil hopefully c:

Do i really need 2 say ne mor????? lol!
Luv y'all! Mwah!