Well, ere i am again.... another day, another blog!
(Im gettin da hang of dis now - i can actually rite a blog wivout completely ruinin da COMPUTA! lol - PROUDA IT! lol!
If u'd like ne mor info on us, we r on page 8 of da Daily Echo - City Final Edition, dated the 20th June 2007 (just in case u dont c dis blog 2moz n find out we aint init!) INNIT! yeah. rok on.
And in other announcements,
We r all ded xited bout it, speshly bein da fitness freaks, sorry, fanatix dat myself n michelle r!!!!!
Pe ppl - if u r readin dis - PLEAZ COMMENT - i emaild u so u av no xcuse! apart from sum of u. Hu i 4got 2 email. like mr grant. N sum1 else 2.
Aint got ne random facts of da day 2day soz - i do apologizzzzze! (big gasp!)
Um, so, yeah. I fink dats it 4 2day. O yeah, me n mich jst ad netball so we r once again PUBLISIZIN r blog. Cos we luv it.
Non-uniform on friday. SHOPPIN 2MORO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
iN MY OPINION, shopping is da gr8est sport one could indulge oneself in. Apart from netball (i put dat bit in 4 miss ellard) and athletix (that bits 4 mr thurgood) and badminton (this lil bits 4 jeremy hu i wont c til 8TH SEPTEMBA!!!!! Soz jezza - we luv u!
Yep, dats about it. Borin day, not much 2 say.
Ps - i dont actually no wot dis pic is ere 4. I jst 4t it looked pritty.
lol. kl post again - (we can get my sis or ellen 2 tell Jeremy bt da blog!! god sum people :-) )
Well netball is da best sport as well as badminton nd football but shoppin has its own category of sport. lol
umm random fact 4 da day....ummm..tictok.........a netball team has 7 players from each team on da court @ 1 time. lol. v random
well luv ya all
i been readin your blogs i have
onli a few more weeks now =o bet youre all plus excitd
have funnnn
cya xxxxx
Polar Bears
Polar Bears are an endangered species in The Arctic and hopefully when we go on the trip we could see some.
In this blog thingy there is some misconceptions which we should look out for when we go to Svalbard. So here they are:
One of the most persistent myths about the polar bear is that a hunting bear will cover its black nose while lying in wait for a seal. The legend is widespread among native hunters. Canadian biologist Ian Stirling has spent several thousand hours watching polar bears hunt. He has never seen one hide its nose, nor have other scientists.
Another recurrent myth is that the great white bears are left-pawed. Scientists observing the animals haven't noticed a preference. In fact, polar bears seem to use their right and left paws equally.
Yet another myth maintains that polar bears use tools, including blocks of ice to kill their prey. Scientist Ian Stirling believes that this assertion can be traced to unsuccessful hunts. After failing to catch a seal, a frustrated and angry polar bear may kick the snow, slap the ground — or hurl chunks of ice.
Still another myth concerns the belief that the polar bear's hollow hairs conduct ultraviolet light to its black skin, thus capturing energy. This theory was tested—and disproved—by physicist Daniel Koon.
A more recent myth claims that the polar bear has a symbiotic relationship with the arctic fox, sharing its food in exchange for the fox's warning system. Zoologists discredit the association. While it is true that the arctic fox will occasionally travel behind the polar bear and feeds on the predator's scraps, it does not serve as a "guard fox."
Not only is the bear-fox relationship not symbiotic, the little foxes often annoy the bears. An arctic fox will sometimes tease a bear by darting in to nip at its heels and will sometimes try to drive a bear off its prey. For its part, a polar bear will occasionally lunge at or slap a fox. What's more, during the spring season on the ice when both the polar bear and the arctic fox are hunting ringed seal pups, the relationship could be considered 'competition'.
Yet another myth concerns orca whales preying on polar bears. Scientist Ian Stirling concedes that while an orca might have an opportunity to attack a bear stranded on a remnant of ice, such an encounter is extremely unlikely. To his knowledge, it has never been observed. Polar bear biologist Scott Schliebe has never heard of this either.
One final misconception is that polar bears live at both poles. The belief is common among school children, who grow up seeing illustrations of penguins and polar bears together. Polar bears, of course, live only in the circumpolar North. They never encounter penguins, which do not live in the same regions as polar bears.
Also if you didn't know Polar Bear fur is not yellow it just appears it. In actual fact they are transparent! Who knows why? Please feel free to comment. And anything we should ask a polar bear while we are there please feel free to tell.!
Sorry haven't written much lately cos I haven't been given an administrator account
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