Well, hello!!!
U will all b extatic 2 no dat my computa is ONCE AGAIN up n runnin. So this, for me, is VERY happy bloggng! (u no, i swear i woz avin withdrawal symptoms ova da weekend!!!!) At least i still av my beloved fone..... XEPT IT DUZZNT LET ME ON DA INTANET!!!!! grrr...............
Yeeeah. Um, neway, would like 2 say a big ELLO 2 da pe dept cos i luv u all n Ribby 2 (she knows hu we mean!) Miss Ellard, if u avnt bn on ere yet u need 2 - u dunno WOT ur missin out on!!!
4t ud all luv 2 c anotha image of us 4 ugly mugz - we rok!!!! (A mon avis!)
Got sum thick sox 2day, well, actually, my mummy got sum thick sox 4 me 2day! yay!
OMG rite, dis is completely random but i feel i need 2 get it off my chest cos i feel so damn passionate bout it - I GOT SUM BRITE YELLO DOLLY SHOEs!!!! they r absolutely GaWjUs!!!!! lol! luvz it.
Well, apart from the fact that there is only 2 WEEKS n 2 DAYS (!!!!!!) left til we board r flites nuffink much as reali appened.
Luv u all!!!!!!! mwah!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
YAY ur computer is fixed. Wat did ya do 2 it den? lol
Well blogging is back on track caus u r by far da best blogger! lol
Well idk wat else 2 write so luv ya lds
I knew the dolly shoes would appear on here somewhere, thankfully no pic (although i may be jinxing it now lol)
Good job your computer is fixed, you did tell me what was wrong but i cant remember wat now lol hope it wasnt too much trouble to fix lol. I realy do hate computers sometimes.
hope you all having fun.
Looking forward to more blogs in da future!
Yeh - she didnt actually xplain wen i asked her bt her computer! lol
Well shoes or shopping always cum up - god u should realise dat by now. tehe
Well i so xcited now - got evrythin i think
Luv ya all
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