O.... M.....GGGGGGGGGGGGG................ we r liike soooooooooo xited!!!
We r currently eating sandwiches in rm 560
right, so, Michelle likes ham and cheeeeeeeese spread (and no butta)
Ellouise likeds a nice salad sandwich with cucumber and salad cream
Tom likes cheese and more cheese
Natalie doesn't like sandwichces.
Innit. Yeah.
Newayz.....(there u go ribby!)
So, we av dun sum research (...!!!)
2nite we r gonna do sum mor research (...!!!)
Didya no.....
In every chocol8 bar u eat, der r 6 (!!!) insect legs inside
For every 8 biscuits u eat, u consume a WHOLE COCKROACH!!!!!!
How disgustingly grossly inhumanely, ickiee, eweeee yuck is dat.
Also, every night, on average, 6 spiders crawl across ur face
WELL, IF WE CUM across a polar bear, we will giv dem foxes glacier mints
Then scream and run away while it is distracted.chi Gr8 plan.
Oh b4 dat, we will giv each ova piggy bax and try 2 make r selves look SCARY
Natalie bought yelo dolly shoes
Mich bought blak dolly shoes
Ellouise bought black dolly shoes wiv bows
Tom has no
dolly shoes
theres always 1.
Hi, ell here!!! Dolly shoes r so totally grooving(coming in all diff colours!) Tom u need to fink bout getting some....only joking lol. Not long now!
Yeah - rock on!
Ur my nu bst friend - move over michelle!!!!! (luv u reali!)
I still fink my BRITE YELO dolly shoes outdo all of u!!!!!
I agree that the tag is correct (that was def random as hell!!!)
I see you are all having fun but im not sure if you are that excited lol? or maybe you are?
I see you are all taking the opurtunity to go shopping lots and buy lots of new things!!(where do you get the money from?? are the myths of the money tree true?!?!!)
Anyways comment again later!
Well da money cums from umm my paper round. lol
Nd shoes r da best!!! Fine - ur not my best m8 eva! lol
Well i got dese converse like things so v kl. lol
Well idk wat else 2 say - I hvnt had chance 2 do my research - bn @ english celebration nd nrly died of laughter!!!
Well luv ya all
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