Only 4 n a half days until we board r first flite 2 oslo!!!!!

*This piece of news deserves a very special mention, hence da use of da star! lol!
Me, mich, ellouise n tom av been asked 2 go 2 BBC studios on Monday nite @ 6 o clock 2 do a lil piece bout r trip on da news wiv Sally Taylor!!!!! Wow! (dontcha just lurrrve dat red sofa! I do!) n its gonna b live so if i make a complete idiot outta myself (as i have a tendency 2 do) der will b no1 2 edit it out - I dunno whether 2 b exited or terrified!!!!! lol!
*Would like 2 say thanku 2 my tutor, mrs lea 4 sponsorin me 4 da race 4 life n also 2 holly sandberg hu is providin da pink fairy wings - LUV U HOLZ!!!!! u hav now had da privilege of appearin in r blog! lol! Oh n i wanna say hi 2 mr thurgood hu has only just discovered r blog n miss fearon hu also rox! WE LUV U ALL!!!!! lol!
*Hi effelence, iced gems n a new shade of green hu hav also been commentin on here! Ur blogs r lookin fantabulous 2 n we r ReaLLy lookin 4wd 2 meetin u all on WEDNESDAY (!!!!!) 2 those of u hu dont no, probably most of u, these r sum of da other teams dat won n r comin 2 da arctic wiv us - THEY ROK!!!!! lol!

*I really should b packin bt i really cant b bothad. I av realised dat altho my waterproof trousas r 2 short, i can unzip da sides n dey suddenly look 10x longer! lol! Am hopin (SERIOUSLY hopin) dat it doesnt rain in da arctic tho - like it did 2day. Grrrrr............ ( i fink google's runnin outta rain pix cos i bn stealin dem all 2 use on here!)It absolutely bucketed down earlier - i woz most definitely NOT a happy bunny.

*In other news..... 5 DAYS 2 GO!!!!!
Sum mor images of stuff dat we will hopefully c while we r there!

Ok, so maybe not!

An arctic fox - these r just GaWjUS!!! lol! Really wanna c one of these.

Huskies - we r goin dog-sleddin!

POLAR BEARS!!!!! its alwayas bn my dream 2 c one of these!!!!!
In all seriousness tho, we will c the full xtent 2 which we r killin r planet so it is gonna b a real eye-opener n hopefully we can help people 2 change 4 da better.
Must go - can sum1 plz record me da rok concert @ wildern on saturday plz cos i really wanna go bt i cant so, PLEASE?????!!!! LOL!
Hey, when did u find out about being on south today studios with coz i didn't know till i saw dis blogg. Plz tell me more. ellxxxx
Yeh - I dont know if we are going on South Today because well Mrs Turvey spoke to my mum and I am not suppost to be back from London till 6 so Mrs Turvey was gonna phone us back but she hasnt so i dont know. Can u phone me Nat when you read this and also make sure you see Mrs Turvey on Monday if we dont hear anything else and txt me (will hv my mobile wiv me)!!!
Luv ya
Rite, im leavin a comment jst togive miss w a challenge even though i have no idea how many comments she has has left as i cnt b bothered to look (bdw tis going to b a long comment)
anyway i thought i would give usome mroe useful factas about where u are going and some tips
the first is if u see a polar bear then dnt b seen and the first rule of not being seen is not to stand up, remeber that.
secondly the human brain is 80% water so make sure yourbrain dnt freeze
Over 50% of all attacks occur from the rear, so watch out for sly polarbears
The first mental institution in the US was in Philadelphia. Dont no why u need to no that, jst thoguht u mitelike to no
finally for today, i will give u mroe afcts u will need to no, probs after u gone, but for today this is my last. The snow leopard can leapt 30 feet from standstill, so dnt ever challenge one to a high jump competition, ull never win
rite thats medonefor today, i may not have left as many as miss, but i think mines longer, and far more interetsing to read, if u can b bothered to read it
I dont know how many of dem facts are relevant but hey! lol
Well long comments wont necessarily win u no! but its up 2 Nat 2 decide caus she da blogger mainly!!! tehe
Well keep commentin. lol
Luv ya
Dnt worry i will keep commenting,cause i am going to meet miss cause im far better and cause shegoin to Farhem but ya no
anyway all of those fatcs were useful, maybe not to wat u doin but they useful
anyway i will keep commenting as i say and obvi make them as gd as i can, how many times has miss commented do you know?
Hello Natures Angels, like the blog you have constructed.
My name is James and I am one of the staff who will be working with you on the visit. Just to give you a little head start there is Richard, Christine, Val, Mike & Steve. We will do the proper introductions on Wednesday morning at Heathrow.
Richard, Christine, Val and Me are all heads of CLC’s in Birmingham so we will be bringing lots of additional kit for blogs and stuff.
We have also set-up our own blog with links to Edge and your blog page at
Well I’m off to sort out my packing and trying to get the bag weight down to 20KG.. looks like I’ll need to wear my boots rather than pack them!
Oh sorting out some music for my ipod to reflect a Svalband theme
Arctic Monkeys, Cold Play, Snow patrol , Vanilla Ice (Ice Ice Baby) any other suggestions?
See you all Wednesday morning
PS Good luck in the morning with the BBC
you know you're not going to win because you don't want all of year 9 to see you dressed as a woman!!
Miss W
...Come to think of it, the new theater is looking for a movie to open with...
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