How cool is this!!!!! Don'tcha just lurrrve this photo??? I luv it!!! This is our Nature's Angels Team! From left to right we have::: Michelle Dorrington, who is so clever it is unnatural, Ellouise Marsh, who is so imaginative it is unnatural, Me who is so arty it is unnatural and at the bottom you have Tom Channell, who is so technical it is unnatural. So.... as you can see, we are a pretty weird bunch (but hey - there's nothing wrong with being weird, now, is there?!?!?!?!?! lol!) Especially when it wins you a once in a lifetime trip to the arctic!!!

I'm sure you will all be COMPLETELY DEVASTSTED to know that our preparations have suffered a MaJoR setback - I can't find any sunglasses that suit me!!!!! Buuuuuuuut apart from THAT, we're doing fine. Yay! OMG 3 weeks and 1 day!!! It's getting closer and closer - we really should be more organised, apart from Michelle who is abnormally organised with everything. Oh well, we can always dream, no, aspire (that's a much better word!) lol!
To any other winners who may be reading this, as Dan might say, happy blogging!!!!!
Still feels like it is ages away but it is creeping up on us!!! (oh well, there's still time to fit in a LITTLE more shopping b4 we go!!!) Actually really really really looking forward to it - we all are! BUT we are all really really really worried about the baggage restrictions!!! Oh well, I'm sure our hair straighteners will fit in somehow!!!
BBC breakfast and some of the regional press are also "following" us so we could be coming to your screens anytime soon! lol
mwah! luv y'all!!! :-) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I was offended. I am so unnaturally technical as well xcuse me!!! lol
Well gr8 blog again - ur gr8 at updatin it - i just write comments. lol
Well luv ya lds
I luv the photo! and the little model thats cool too!! I'm sure there are some sunglasses out there SOMEWHERE that you like, i mean come on how hard is it??!
Is it really that close!! WOW i never realised how close it is!
I'm sure you are all very organised apart from mich hu is obviously super organised compared to the rest of you but im sure that you are all organised!
you say WIERD like it is a bad thing LOL!!
Cya all later
Well I got my sunglasses in Tenerife - thats how hard it is 2 find da perfect 1ns. lol
Of course I am super organised - wat do u xpect. I will b packed/start packing like a week before - as always. lol
Nd bein weird is gr8 - caus u different. tehe
Luv ya
Cool photo and model. Glad that u got the sunglasses, they r really important!!! can't believe that it is so close to u abandoning me!!! I will be stuck with O2, Sam and Aaron - untill they leave me for the Ardeche!!! I'll be all alone - (Violins playing) Please can i come in ur suitcases - I'll carry them for u!!
Actually Potter isnt goin 2 da Ardeche so u wont b alone (happy music)!!!! But will prob drive u crazy!!! lol
I am gonna get my mum 2 get ur Stage Managers pressi on Sun - still not tellin wat it is!!!! lol
Well luv ya lds
Ok - if u leave me with Potter then i will be completely mad by the time u get back!!
And please tell me what the prezzie is - pretty, pretty please with a cherry on top!!
I'm begging u!!!
Love the picture, and the model who actually made it. Andy
i did (with the help of miss walace - i think thats her name - from the art dept.) ps whaddya thinka da model????
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