I cant say it was particularly nice being back home after 10 days spent in the arctic with some of the most fantabulous and inspiring people in the world but hey! There you go, cant have everything n not many people will ever get 2 do what we have just experienced. Although we did get 2 c all our m8s again which was a bonus.

Is ne1 else out there still a bit sniffly wen summat reminds you of the great time we had?? Especially songs - they seem 2 set us off. Even the happy ones.
We seem 2 b minor local celebrities @ the mo - a media frenzy all around, recognisations from the telly and countless autograph requests. I now know how it feels 2 b Victoria Beckham..... lol! Although I have noticed that some people still don't seem 2 b getting it right - a letter we got sed dat der wer only 3 of us going n da local paper used us as a space-filler claiming that we were still sailing north towards the pack ice. AND THAT WAS YESTADAY!!!!! Well i suppose it's only 9 days out.........
Nobody's perfect (although im so close it scares me!!!!!!!! lol! ) JOKES! lol!

Got r new timetables 2day - yay! Only half a day left @ skl - DUBBLE YAY!!! lol!
4 those of u hu, like me wish 2 reminisce of the trip, mary (from effelence, who is really nice n is my m8) as dun sum amazin pix. Ere is 1 of dem!

Whaddya fink? Pretty kool, huh? Mary Wright, u r a superstar!

The weather here sux - as soon as we got back, it started raining. After 10 days of experiencing no precipit8tion, it was an almost alien sensation. Well, i av now officially ad the first official downpour since arriving home back in England. Whilst walking 2 skl. Lets jst say i can imagin how skin-tight leather trousers feel. And it aint nice.
I didnt av an umbrolly either - Thank God 4 the Helly Hansen Ice Edge jackets - even chav brands cum in useful sumtimes!!!!! lol!
Ok so, last day of skl 2day n many very nice teachas av spent their last eva day @ Wildern Skl. Sum (most) of them r very nice. Sum (no names natalie weids) r traitors BUT WE LUV U NEWAY!!!!!
JUST WANTED 2 SAY GOODBYE 2 U ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mrs Lea (my tutor)
Miss Weids (my ICT teacha)
Mr Dymock (my tech teacha)
Miss Edwards (my english teacha)
Mrs Squires (my art teacha)
Mr Main (not actually MY teacha)
Mrs H-B (my pl teacha)
Mr Hatton (my old maths teacha)
Mr Rosenburg (not actually leaving but abandoning my year group 2 work wiv other years instead)
Im startin 2 get the impression that nobody likes me...... oh, how it feels 2 b unloved.........
I wanna go back 2 da arctic!!!!! lol! fink evry1 else wants me 2 as well!!!!!!!!!
hiya evry1! this is becky! missin u all loads, lol! thnx 4 makin the trip gr8 - y'all r amazing. cnt wait 2 c u at the reunion! luv y'all, xxxx
heya bex!
Missin yall looooooooadz u r all amazin 2!!!!! ope ya like da gangsta pix i emailed ya! lol! Cant w8 2 da reunion eitha - we shld av 1 evry year! Ill cry if we dont! lol!
Luv yas!
BEX YA PUT DAT ON EVERY1s BLOGZ!!!! i feel sooooooo unloved n un-unique! oh well luv ya loads! xxXXxXXxXxXXXXXxXXXXXxXxXXxXXxx
OMG! didnt no half those people were leaving - shows how much you miss after being away for nearly a month!
Anyway had an amazing time - we are hoping to go back next year as we have partner schools out there. The weather was very hot and humid - i got bitten lots by mozzies. :-)
Missed evry1 lds - need to meet up sumtime soon. U all did well on South Today!!
Luv Michelle
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