Good afternoon, I am startin 2 rite dis blog @ 2:45 xactly. It'll probs b around half 3 by da time i iz finished! lol!
Nothin xitin as appened l8ly. sports hall floor is bein re-dun. YAY!!!!! No badminton dis mornin. NAY!!!!!
Well, as im sure it is in many places of da country, it iz COMPLETELY BUCKETIN wiv rain here in "sunny" Southampton - nearly as bad as wen i wnt 2 spain 4 da 1st time bt dat woz cos it woz tropical storms. Dis is just a lil april shower dat got its timing wrong n is runnin almost as l8 as i am. (usually around 2 months) AT LEAST MINE'S FASHIONABLE!!!!! (much like my mock-croc dolly shoes.........) lol!
So. We r currently stuk indoors wiv nuffink 2 do. Av finished readin all da magazines, dun mosta my hw (xept my coursework cos nobody likes doin coursework) n am now sat in fronta da computa bringin 2 u dis delightful upd8 on da gr8 british weatha...........
I hope it aint like dis in da arctic!!!!!!!!!!!!! My hair will get wet if it is! Like it did yestaday. Wiv DISASTROUS consequences...
I saw michelle walkin down da road earlia 2day. Dunno y i felt i had 2 add dat in bt i did. So dere u go. A (pretty xitin) day in da life of me. (Notice da hyperbole dere miss edwards?!?!?!?!?!)
well, there u av it! A borin blog 2 match a borin day in borin weatha n borin hw. Im sure u can all feel my extaticness.
Well, dat's my daily upd8 now so im gonna luv ya n leave ya n probs go 2 my nans in bout 14 minittz time!
Lets jst hope da sunshine prevails victorious in da end!!!!!

I can't understand why our chief examiners are worried about the effects of text speak on our language. Makes perfect sense to me...
Tim >:-)
Text language is gd and it is quicker 2 write - specially 4 dem tired fingers. lol
Well wen u saw me walkin - i was walkin home - from Ellens nd carryin my laptop. lol - was quite heavy.
Wen it was rainin we was goin 2 Aldershot 2 watch my sis play netball - nd dere it was luvly nd sunny whilst we was dere!!!
Da weva is completely suckish - i agree caus den ur hair goes all frizzy nd unstraight (v technical term dere. lol)
I also agree dat cwk is v boring although sumtimes it is gd if it is fun! tehe
Well i betta b gettin on i got a paper round 2 finish - i da rain :-(
Luv ya all
WOT CHIEF XAMINER!!!!!!! der woz dis girl hu did her whole english gcse in txt lingo - how kl iz dat - failed of course bt hu cares. It wozza gr8 idea!!!!! (~in my personal opinion! I fink we shld get all of yr 8 n 9 2 do dat in der english 2 - how cool wd dat b!!!!!) lol!
Yes da weatha is ratha suckish aint it! lol!
Hi Natures angels, thanks for the comment on our blog! Your's looks very good as well. We are looking forward to meeting you in Svalbard and having a fab time!
Love Liss and Lucy
The Iced Gems
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