Only 4 n a half days until we board r first flite 2 oslo!!!!!
*This piece of news deserves a very special mention, hence da use of da star! lol!
Me, mich, ellouise n tom av been asked 2 go 2 BBC studios on Monday nite @ 6 o clock 2 do a lil piece bout r trip on da news wiv Sally Taylor!!!!! Wow! (dontcha just lurrrve dat red sofa! I do!) n its gonna b live so if i make a complete idiot outta myself (as i have a tendency 2 do) der will b no1 2 edit it out - I dunno whether 2 b exited or terrified!!!!! lol!
*Would like 2 say thanku 2 my tutor, mrs lea 4 sponsorin me 4 da race 4 life n also 2 holly sandberg hu is providin da pink fairy wings - LUV U HOLZ!!!!! u hav now had da privilege of appearin in r blog! lol! Oh n i wanna say hi 2 mr thurgood hu has only just discovered r blog n miss fearon hu also rox! WE LUV U ALL!!!!! lol!
*Hi effelence, iced gems n a new shade of green hu hav also been commentin on here! Ur blogs r lookin fantabulous 2 n we r ReaLLy lookin 4wd 2 meetin u all on WEDNESDAY (!!!!!) 2 those of u hu dont no, probably most of u, these r sum of da other teams dat won n r comin 2 da arctic wiv us - THEY ROK!!!!! lol!
*I really should b packin bt i really cant b bothad. I av realised dat altho my waterproof trousas r 2 short, i can unzip da sides n dey suddenly look 10x longer! lol! Am hopin (SERIOUSLY hopin) dat it doesnt rain in da arctic tho - like it did 2day. Grrrrr............ ( i fink google's runnin outta rain pix cos i bn stealin dem all 2 use on here!)It absolutely bucketed down earlier - i woz most definitely NOT a happy bunny.
*In other news..... 5 DAYS 2 GO!!!!!
Sum mor images of stuff dat we will hopefully c while we r there!
Ok, so maybe not!
An arctic fox - these r just GaWjUS!!! lol! Really wanna c one of these.
Huskies - we r goin dog-sleddin!
POLAR BEARS!!!!! its alwayas bn my dream 2 c one of these!!!!!
In all seriousness tho, we will c the full xtent 2 which we r killin r planet so it is gonna b a real eye-opener n hopefully we can help people 2 change 4 da better.
Must go - can sum1 plz record me da rok concert @ wildern on saturday plz cos i really wanna go bt i cant so, PLEASE?????!!!! LOL!
Friday, 29 June 2007
Thursday, 28 June 2007
6 DAYS LEFT!!!!!
Well, hello there my friends - note da use of correct english for JAS hu could only understand about a tenth of wot we ad written! We cant work out hu u r so please, REVEAL URSELF!!!!! lol! On ur behalf, we would offer 2 rite out da whole fing again bt dat wld b 1 VEEEEEERRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYY LONG BLOG!!!!! lol!
* I believe dat congratulations r in order 4 Mr rosenburg n mr dymock hu av both, 2day, managed 2 figure out how 2 leave a comment (with r help of course! lol!)
So, here u go. Congratulations. lol!
*I would personally like 2 say a MASSIV thanku 2 Mrs Anne Lockely and Mrs Ann Picton-Jones hu both, extremely generously might i add, sponsored me for da Race 4 Life which takes place da day afta we arrive home from the arctic! I am going as a fairy, or angel, 2 celebr8 r success as Natures Angels (and just 2 get in da papers, of course! lol - only jokin!) If anyone else would like 2 sponsor me, my tutor room is 103 n i can usually b found wanderin round da skl wiv michelle @ breaks! (unless its rainin n im cowerin inside!)
*Da weatha has brightened up - it musta got my (many) messages! Not 4 long tho - its supposed 2 b showers 2moz bt brightenin up l8r in da day. Yay! Well, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining!
*in reply 2 miss weids, we shall indeed b takin a stick wiv us 2 write in da snow dat "Miss Natalie Weids is leaving Wildern School 2 go 2 Fareham" - and yes, we will b takin a pic of it n postin it on here - Watch dis space! lol!
*OmG i av sooooooo much hw 2 do ova da weekend n i in Andover avec my Dad n stepmum Toni n step-brothers n -sisters - Stace, Dani, Aaron n Zak. I fink il b workin non-stop - there goes my chance of goin 2 da golf range! lol!
*2 all my luvlie swannie netballers current and ex, and my new frifends hu i met yestaday includin rosie n zoe, WE LUV U ALL!!!!! SWAN ROX!!!!!!
(i do also happen 2 luv my lil y6 berrywood netballers hu hav really progressed l8ly n im soooooo proud of dem n hope dey luv me 2!!!)
Mwah! Luv y'all!!!!!
* I believe dat congratulations r in order 4 Mr rosenburg n mr dymock hu av both, 2day, managed 2 figure out how 2 leave a comment (with r help of course! lol!)
So, here u go. Congratulations. lol!
*I would personally like 2 say a MASSIV thanku 2 Mrs Anne Lockely and Mrs Ann Picton-Jones hu both, extremely generously might i add, sponsored me for da Race 4 Life which takes place da day afta we arrive home from the arctic! I am going as a fairy, or angel, 2 celebr8 r success as Natures Angels (and just 2 get in da papers, of course! lol - only jokin!) If anyone else would like 2 sponsor me, my tutor room is 103 n i can usually b found wanderin round da skl wiv michelle @ breaks! (unless its rainin n im cowerin inside!)
*Da weatha has brightened up - it musta got my (many) messages! Not 4 long tho - its supposed 2 b showers 2moz bt brightenin up l8r in da day. Yay! Well, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining!
*in reply 2 miss weids, we shall indeed b takin a stick wiv us 2 write in da snow dat "Miss Natalie Weids is leaving Wildern School 2 go 2 Fareham" - and yes, we will b takin a pic of it n postin it on here - Watch dis space! lol!
*OmG i av sooooooo much hw 2 do ova da weekend n i in Andover avec my Dad n stepmum Toni n step-brothers n -sisters - Stace, Dani, Aaron n Zak. I fink il b workin non-stop - there goes my chance of goin 2 da golf range! lol!
*2 all my luvlie swannie netballers current and ex, and my new frifends hu i met yestaday includin rosie n zoe, WE LUV U ALL!!!!! SWAN ROX!!!!!!
(i do also happen 2 luv my lil y6 berrywood netballers hu hav really progressed l8ly n im soooooo proud of dem n hope dey luv me 2!!!)
Mwah! Luv y'all!!!!!
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
1 WEEK 2 GO!!!!!
omg how xitin!!!!!!!!!!
I would howeva, like 2 mention da fact dat sum ppl (no names mr steven dymock) av not yet commented on r blog (and mr ian rosenburg n miss weids hu has been on but i would just like 2 reiterate da fact dat she is leaving us 4 da fareham ppl.........traitor.) lol!
Packin is not comin along at all yet aaron in reply 2 ur comment - i av not yet packed a SINGLE fing!!!!! (i really shld b mor organised)
Miss Ellard - WE LUV U n r xpectin a comment by 2moz.....! lol!
Managed 2 get sum waterproof trousers but...... w8 4 it....... dey r WAAAAAYYY 2 short. Grr......
Well, ere is anotha weatha upd8 4 those of u hu, comme moi, are 2 lazy 2 get off der backsides n go look out da window. Da weatha is rainin, pretty continual precipit8ion in fact. H8 it. Absolutely loathe it.N wot appened 2 da supposed "heatwave" dat was "just around da corner"?
Got soaked earlia cos sum bike 4t it wld b funny 2 ride up rite nxt 2 me thru da middle of a MASSIV gr8 puddle. (I shal get my revenge.......!)
Jst bn 2 netball - da last 1 dis year! Sob, sob! lol!
Sum mor pix of stuff we will hopefully b doin (at least it wont b rainin as much in da arctic):
I av found a pic of a ship called Polaris bt i aint sure if its da 1 we r stayin on
This sign is found nowhere else in da world xept svalbard
Svalbard itself - how BE-a-utiful is dis!!!!!
Dat is wer we r stayin!!!!!
N dese r wot we wil hopefully c:
Do i really need 2 say ne mor????? lol!
Luv y'all! Mwah!
I would howeva, like 2 mention da fact dat sum ppl (no names mr steven dymock) av not yet commented on r blog (and mr ian rosenburg n miss weids hu has been on but i would just like 2 reiterate da fact dat she is leaving us 4 da fareham ppl.........traitor.) lol!
Packin is not comin along at all yet aaron in reply 2 ur comment - i av not yet packed a SINGLE fing!!!!! (i really shld b mor organised)
Miss Ellard - WE LUV U n r xpectin a comment by 2moz.....! lol!
Managed 2 get sum waterproof trousers but...... w8 4 it....... dey r WAAAAAYYY 2 short. Grr......
Well, ere is anotha weatha upd8 4 those of u hu, comme moi, are 2 lazy 2 get off der backsides n go look out da window. Da weatha is rainin, pretty continual precipit8ion in fact. H8 it. Absolutely loathe it.N wot appened 2 da supposed "heatwave" dat was "just around da corner"?
Got soaked earlia cos sum bike 4t it wld b funny 2 ride up rite nxt 2 me thru da middle of a MASSIV gr8 puddle. (I shal get my revenge.......!)
Jst bn 2 netball - da last 1 dis year! Sob, sob! lol!
Sum mor pix of stuff we will hopefully b doin (at least it wont b rainin as much in da arctic):
I av found a pic of a ship called Polaris bt i aint sure if its da 1 we r stayin on
This sign is found nowhere else in da world xept svalbard
Svalbard itself - how BE-a-utiful is dis!!!!!
Dat is wer we r stayin!!!!!
N dese r wot we wil hopefully c:
Do i really need 2 say ne mor????? lol!
Luv y'all! Mwah!
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
8 DAYS 2 GO!!!!!!!!!
da realisation dat we av actually 1 a nationwide competition is finally just beginnin 2 sink in - 8 DAYS B4 WE LEAVE!!!!! lol! WOW!!!!
I av a lot of hellos 2 say 2day!
Ello 2 vicky hu is completely devast8d dat ian doesnt recognise her..... lol!
Ello 2 Mr Dymock, hu STILL AINT COMMENTED YET!!!!!
Ello 2 amanda - yep i agree wiv u - xams completely suk lol!
And FINALLY, ello 2 miss Weids hu is not only a traitor but as also cum up wiv da most cheesiest comment yet!!!
(i reckon now i sed dat, deres gonna b a race on btween callum n miss weids 2 either "reign supreme" or "steal da title"...... lol!
Ps we aint gonna get u a prezzie cos u r leavin us 2 go 2 FAREHAM........traitor.
Still rainin...........
As im sure many of u can tell, i am not, unlike da luvvly lil dux in da park across da road, a fan of wet weatha. My hair frizzes up, my makeup washes off and i get stressed. Not only that, but i get cold n wet 2 as da cars seem 2 hav sum kinda obsession wiv drivin in da biggest puddle rite nxt 2 me n cre8in a mini-tidal wave weneva i walk past. Now thats jst nasty............
*OMG dis is actually quite urgent - i cant get ne waterproof trousas ne-where dat r long enuff 4 me - any shorta n mosta em would b knee-bashas!!!!! Duz ne1 no wer i can get sum long-length ones frm??????? Plz? Wer i can realistically get within 8 days?
*Here r sum pix of sum of da stuff we r gonna b doin:
lookin @ walrus colonies
see sum polar bears!!!!!
Luv u all!!!!!!!
da realisation dat we av actually 1 a nationwide competition is finally just beginnin 2 sink in - 8 DAYS B4 WE LEAVE!!!!! lol! WOW!!!!
I av a lot of hellos 2 say 2day!
Ello 2 vicky hu is completely devast8d dat ian doesnt recognise her..... lol!
Ello 2 Mr Dymock, hu STILL AINT COMMENTED YET!!!!!
Ello 2 amanda - yep i agree wiv u - xams completely suk lol!
And FINALLY, ello 2 miss Weids hu is not only a traitor but as also cum up wiv da most cheesiest comment yet!!!
(i reckon now i sed dat, deres gonna b a race on btween callum n miss weids 2 either "reign supreme" or "steal da title"...... lol!
Ps we aint gonna get u a prezzie cos u r leavin us 2 go 2 FAREHAM........traitor.
Still rainin...........
As im sure many of u can tell, i am not, unlike da luvvly lil dux in da park across da road, a fan of wet weatha. My hair frizzes up, my makeup washes off and i get stressed. Not only that, but i get cold n wet 2 as da cars seem 2 hav sum kinda obsession wiv drivin in da biggest puddle rite nxt 2 me n cre8in a mini-tidal wave weneva i walk past. Now thats jst nasty............
*OMG dis is actually quite urgent - i cant get ne waterproof trousas ne-where dat r long enuff 4 me - any shorta n mosta em would b knee-bashas!!!!! Duz ne1 no wer i can get sum long-length ones frm??????? Plz? Wer i can realistically get within 8 days?
*Here r sum pix of sum of da stuff we r gonna b doin:
lookin @ walrus colonies
see sum polar bears!!!!!
Luv u all!!!!!!!
labels annoy me.
Monday, 25 June 2007
9 days 2 go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, hello there my friends! n how r u all on dis......... fine(!!!) day?????
Nice weatha 4 ducks as they say, but sadly not nice weatha 4 da rest of us - me included! Pretty much continuous rainfall 2day so my precious athletics was cancelled (not that i can run v well @ da moment neway afta da disasta in Homebase....)lol! Oh well...
OMG we r all soooooooo xited @ da mo! Cant believe we only av bout 8 n a half days til we leave~!!!!!!!!!
Duz ne1 no if da ship has a gym on it? Or sum treadmills? Cos i got da Race 4 life on da 15th which is da day afta we get bak!!!!! (i avent actually dun ne trainin yet!)
Just outta interest - if ne otha teams r readin this now, is da weatha as bad where u r as it is here???
Ear Reading n all dose fings outta da way....... I STILL GOTTA GET SUM TROUSERS!!!!!! lol!
I reckon we r all gonna get serious jetlag by da time we arrive. R they a day ahead of us or summat cos those flight times r really confusin me (no nasty remarks please. No names, Aaron something Parker)
Omg rite, i burnt a tea towel @ da weekend! Oops!
Btw, callum is annoyed dat i mentioned him in da blog so i 4t i would mention him again (not to wind him up or nefin.......) We r now officially not bringin him bak a present.
*Is it jst me or has EVRY1 bn askin us 2 bring bak polar bears? How da hell r we supposed 2 catch 1, sed8 it long enuff 2 drag in on2 da cruise ship n in2 r suitcases n, 2 top it all off, pass da baggage restrictions @ da airport??? I dont fink im gonna get thru neway n dats bad enuff!!!!!
We would all like 2 giv a special mention 2 Miss Natalie Weids, hu is leaving us 2 go 2 FAREHAM.......... lol! WE LUV U MISS!!!!!
Gotta go! Will c all u luvverlies l8r on!
Sunday, 24 June 2007
10 days 2 go!!!!!
OMG 10 DAYS TIL WE BOARD R FLITE 2 OSLO! (and Tromso. And svalbard.) lol!
I av finally cum up wiv, not A definitiv list, but THE definitiv list - im only takin bout 73 fings. Not bad considerin it woz bout 143 wen i started crossin stuff off!!!!!
I SERIOUSLY don't fink my suitcase wil pass da baggage restrictions!!! Ill just get u lot 2 leave sum spare room in ur cases n il shuv all my stuff in der!!! lol! U no u all luv me realli! lol! As much as im sure u wd all luv 2 c xactly wot im takin, im afraid i cant publish it bcos it would probs take up bout a page n a half (ha, beat dat callum!!!!!)
*Da new craze 2 sweep da nation (no, not a broom) is EarReading. How the hell can u tell wot sum1's like jst by lookin @ der ears?????
Rite, lets find out......
Big ears:"You'll always b independent and energetic, even when you're an old granny" (yeah, mayb if u got a mobility scoota. But seriously, hu wd wanna b runnin on a treadmill n bouncin about 2 aerobix wen dey r 78??!)
Hairy ears:"Minging, but apparently this means you'll have a long and happy life!" (I'm sorry, but HU uses minging as a word ne mor?)
Big earlobes:"These r lucky and mean that you'll enjoy a fun-filled life, with lots of mates" (Yeah, but wot if, like me, u r a self-confessed loner?)
Higher than eyebrows:"You're intelligent and will come into money - you could be as rich as Li-Lo!" (Sure.......)
Pardon me for bein so pessimistic der.........
Wot if u dont fall in2 ne of dose categories? Ur a bit of an in-betweener - like fungi.
*Can I jst ask - has ne1 else heard "Foundations" by Kate Nash? Its amazin! Luv it!
Reminds me a bit of Lily Allen (i like her 2) but i luv dis song!!!!
*I luv using dese lil star fingees!!!!! **********x**********
Last netball trainin 4 me n michelle dis week - it finishes while we r away!!!!! Grrrrrrrr......................................................................
LUV U ALL!!!!!!!
Saturday, 23 June 2007
a weatha upd8 - Saturday 23rd June 2007; 15:11
Good afternoon, I am startin 2 rite dis blog @ 2:45 xactly. It'll probs b around half 3 by da time i iz finished! lol!
Nothin xitin as appened l8ly. sports hall floor is bein re-dun. YAY!!!!! No badminton dis mornin. NAY!!!!!
Well, as im sure it is in many places of da country, it iz COMPLETELY BUCKETIN wiv rain here in "sunny" Southampton - nearly as bad as wen i wnt 2 spain 4 da 1st time bt dat woz cos it woz tropical storms. Dis is just a lil april shower dat got its timing wrong n is runnin almost as l8 as i am. (usually around 2 months) AT LEAST MINE'S FASHIONABLE!!!!! (much like my mock-croc dolly shoes.........) lol!
So. We r currently stuk indoors wiv nuffink 2 do. Av finished readin all da magazines, dun mosta my hw (xept my coursework cos nobody likes doin coursework) n am now sat in fronta da computa bringin 2 u dis delightful upd8 on da gr8 british weatha...........
I hope it aint like dis in da arctic!!!!!!!!!!!!! My hair will get wet if it is! Like it did yestaday. Wiv DISASTROUS consequences...
I saw michelle walkin down da road earlia 2day. Dunno y i felt i had 2 add dat in bt i did. So dere u go. A (pretty xitin) day in da life of me. (Notice da hyperbole dere miss edwards?!?!?!?!?!)
well, there u av it! A borin blog 2 match a borin day in borin weatha n borin hw. Im sure u can all feel my extaticness.
Well, dat's my daily upd8 now so im gonna luv ya n leave ya n probs go 2 my nans in bout 14 minittz time!
Lets jst hope da sunshine prevails victorious in da end!!!!!
Friday, 22 June 2007
Dis is called: ......................My trip 2 sainsbury's n da nursery rhyme i cant rememba!
Ul neva guess where i jst bn!!!!!
Rok on..........
Yeah. I bought sum sugarfree jelly - 2 orange n 2 strawberry (dey wer on offer!) Dontcha just lurrrve a bargain?!?!?!?!?! lol!
OMG rite, i woz finkin of dat nursery rime earlia - i cant remba wot it iz called but it starts off summat like:
Hey diddle diddle
Da cat n da fiddle
Da spoon jumped ova da moon
If ne1 actually nose can dey plz get bak 2 me on dat 1? lol! My god, i neva realised how sad i actually am!!!!! lol!
Hey, dunno if u no, bt i received (i fink dats rite - id neva b ne good as an english teacha would i!!!!!) an email frm isset n da currency aboard da ship is euros n in longyearbyen (i no dats rite cos i copied n pasted it!) it is kroner. I stil gotta xchange it all yet!!!
(aaron u stil aint sent me dat link n im now gettin PARANOID bout tsunamis in da arctic - I HOPE U R PROUD OF URSELF PARKEY-PARKER!!!!! lol!
Jst ada look @ sum of da ova teams' blogs - dey r lookin reali good!
Mwah!!!!! gotta go - cu guyz l8r!!!!! oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
(i like oxo - it makes gravy taste nice!)
Thursday, 21 June 2007
I actually am feelin uninspired so im gonna call dis blog: "Untitled 1"
Aloha there my penguin-footed lil luvliez!!!
I went shoppin 2day. Please leave comments 4 me 2 tel me wot u did 2day! I luv readin ur feedbak - at least i no i aint da only 1 dat replies 2 my blogz!!!
I am now officially ready 4 da arctic! Apart from my salopettezzzzzz! (my dads m8 andy's bn ringin round every single 1 of his suppliers 2 find a pair dat r long enuff 4 me! lol!) At least sumbody luvz me! Ps aaron, i am updatin dis blog and dedicatin it specially 2 u cos da last 1 fell far belo ur high standards of expectation.
Duz dat even make sense? It sounds alrite n neway, I NO WOT I MEAN!!!
Sports day came n went 2day - HOW MEGA-FANTABULOUS WOZ DAT!!!!! Highlite of my year - thats da only important d8 on my calendar (how sad is my life!?!?!?!?!) lol
Note 2 miss ellard - me n michelle will each b purchasin 1 of dose funkadelic gcse pe tops - THEY COMPLETELY ROCK! LUV it!
Really gettin xited now - LESS DAN 2 WEEKS 2 GO!!!!!!!!! 1 week 5 days n a few measly hours dat i couldnt b bothad 2 count!lol!
Many of u will b devastated 2 no dat i av currently lost my voice. (I really should stop cheerin on da other teams - oh, but my frends r init - WOT A HEART-WRENCHIN DECISION!!!!!!) Sayin dat, most of u will b feelin jubilant n startin 2 rejoice in the non-loudness of my self. lol!
U all luv me realli!
Newayz, must dash, am mega-tired n gotta str8n hair b4 bed. Woo! luv y'all!!!!
Post-script: Bedford rok 4eva. WE LUV U BEDFORD!!!!!
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Another day, another blog...
Well, ere i am again.... another day, another blog!
(Im gettin da hang of dis now - i can actually rite a blog wivout completely ruinin da COMPUTA! lol - PROUDA IT! lol!
If u'd like ne mor info on us, we r on page 8 of da Daily Echo - City Final Edition, dated the 20th June 2007 (just in case u dont c dis blog 2moz n find out we aint init!) INNIT! yeah. rok on.
And in other announcements,
We r all ded xited bout it, speshly bein da fitness freaks, sorry, fanatix dat myself n michelle r!!!!!
Pe ppl - if u r readin dis - PLEAZ COMMENT - i emaild u so u av no xcuse! apart from sum of u. Hu i 4got 2 email. like mr grant. N sum1 else 2.
Aint got ne random facts of da day 2day soz - i do apologizzzzze! (big gasp!)
Um, so, yeah. I fink dats it 4 2day. O yeah, me n mich jst ad netball so we r once again PUBLISIZIN r blog. Cos we luv it.
Non-uniform on friday. SHOPPIN 2MORO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
iN MY OPINION, shopping is da gr8est sport one could indulge oneself in. Apart from netball (i put dat bit in 4 miss ellard) and athletix (that bits 4 mr thurgood) and badminton (this lil bits 4 jeremy hu i wont c til 8TH SEPTEMBA!!!!! Soz jezza - we luv u!
Yep, dats about it. Borin day, not much 2 say.
Ps - i dont actually no wot dis pic is ere 4. I jst 4t it looked pritty.
another blog...,
Another day
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Some facts about svalbard
*It was first discovered in the 12th century by Norwegians and was used as a fishing port
*It used to be famous for its coal mining - how completely fantabulously random! Luv it!
*58% of its energy is generated by burning fossil fuels with the other 42% from hydropower - y dont dey use solar panels? Much mor environmentally-friendly dan fossil fuels.....
*Just a random fact here (nothing 2 do wit svalbard) but dere has bn at least 1 recorded murder on an iceberg.......... hmmmmmm..............
*The total area is 61,020 km2 and there r 0.04 ppl per sq km. This means dat der r 2440.8 ppl - i worked dat out usin a calcul8r. How can u av 0.8 of a person? Is dat even physically possible? How peculiar.....
*Longyearbyen is da capital - WE'R GOIN DER!!!
*aka spitzbergen (how much duz dat remind u of some kinda mission impossible fing!)
*the population growth r8 is -0.007% (lets take bets on how long it'll b til it gets 2 minus 1!)
*there r no railways (how inconvenient wd dat b 4 commuters!)
Well, dats my research dun! Please gimme sum feedbak miss b!!!!!
Luv y'all!!!!! XxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxX
2 weeks and 1 day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
O.... M.....GGGGGGGGGGGGG................ we r liike soooooooooo xited!!!
We r currently eating sandwiches in rm 560
right, so, Michelle likes ham and cheeeeeeeese spread (and no butta)
Ellouise likeds a nice salad sandwich with cucumber and salad cream
Tom likes cheese and more cheese
Natalie doesn't like sandwichces.
Innit. Yeah.
Newayz.....(there u go ribby!)
So, we av dun sum research (...!!!)
2nite we r gonna do sum mor research (...!!!)
Didya no.....
In every chocol8 bar u eat, der r 6 (!!!) insect legs inside
For every 8 biscuits u eat, u consume a WHOLE COCKROACH!!!!!!
How disgustingly grossly inhumanely, ickiee, eweeee yuck is dat.
Also, every night, on average, 6 spiders crawl across ur face
WELL, IF WE CUM across a polar bear, we will giv dem foxes glacier mints
Then scream and run away while it is distracted.chi Gr8 plan.
Oh b4 dat, we will giv each ova piggy bax and try 2 make r selves look SCARY
Natalie bought yelo dolly shoes
Mich bought blak dolly shoes
Ellouise bought black dolly shoes wiv bows
Tom has no
dolly shoes
theres always 1.
Monday, 18 June 2007
Well, hello!!!
U will all b extatic 2 no dat my computa is ONCE AGAIN up n runnin. So this, for me, is VERY happy bloggng! (u no, i swear i woz avin withdrawal symptoms ova da weekend!!!!) At least i still av my beloved fone..... XEPT IT DUZZNT LET ME ON DA INTANET!!!!! grrr...............
Yeeeah. Um, neway, would like 2 say a big ELLO 2 da pe dept cos i luv u all n Ribby 2 (she knows hu we mean!) Miss Ellard, if u avnt bn on ere yet u need 2 - u dunno WOT ur missin out on!!!
4t ud all luv 2 c anotha image of us 4 ugly mugz - we rok!!!! (A mon avis!)
Got sum thick sox 2day, well, actually, my mummy got sum thick sox 4 me 2day! yay!
OMG rite, dis is completely random but i feel i need 2 get it off my chest cos i feel so damn passionate bout it - I GOT SUM BRITE YELLO DOLLY SHOEs!!!! they r absolutely GaWjUs!!!!! lol! luvz it.
Well, apart from the fact that there is only 2 WEEKS n 2 DAYS (!!!!!!) left til we board r flites nuffink much as reali appened.
Luv u all!!!!!!! mwah!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Friday, 15 June 2007
My Oscars-style acceptance speech of my luvverly new art book.......
Yay - another blog!!!!
Right, will keep this short and sweet
I, natalie jade sutton, would sincerely wish to thank Mr. R Groom and the art depertment due to the fact that he and his luvverly colleagues have just kindly provided me with a luvverly new art book to take to the arctic with me so now I can also practise my observational skills - maybe it's a slight hint?!?!?!? lol! Yeah neway, WE LUV U ART DEPT!!!!!! (we luv evry1 dont we?!?!?!? lol!)
OMg this is turnin in2 sum kind of oscars speech n i sed dat i'd keep it short and sweet didn't i?
I am currently multi-tasking - i am blogging away happily @ Mrs. B (aka Ribby)'s laptop as my computer is still down.
Anyway, yes, multi-tasking i am also talking 2 my 2 delightful friendy ppl Jess and Emma AND listening to Ribby @ same time. HOW IMPRESSIVE IS DAT! LOL! As Mrs b would say: cool beans!!! lol!
C u guys l8r!!!!
Mwah! luv u all!!!!!
PS please comment!!!! AND PUBLICISE!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and there was ANOTHER bday yesterday - Ribby's nan!
I actually am gonna go now!!
Right - blog. hmmmm................
Well, we r sat in r french class (obviously wiv r teacher's permission - WE LUV U MRS LEA!!!!!
currently desperately trying 2 get hold of bits of equipmet - i really wish i was shorter sumtimes! lol!
Oh well, i aint da only 1 - mich aint completely organised either
We have now made r blog addy public n av been inundated wiv comments and we r in REAL demand (mostly from r teachers - but theres nothing wrong wiv dat)
Next point i must get off my chest - aaron get well soon!<
Mwah c u all l8r!!!
(R classe de francais r now loggin off da computas so i gotta go!!!
mwah!!!! luv y'all!!
Well, we r sat in r french class (obviously wiv r teacher's permission - WE LUV U MRS LEA!!!!!
currently desperately trying 2 get hold of bits of equipmet - i really wish i was shorter sumtimes! lol!
Oh well, i aint da only 1 - mich aint completely organised either
We have now made r blog addy public n av been inundated wiv comments and we r in REAL demand (mostly from r teachers - but theres nothing wrong wiv dat)
Next point i must get off my chest - aaron get well soon!<
Mwah c u all l8r!!!
(R classe de francais r now loggin off da computas so i gotta go!!!
mwah!!!! luv y'all!!
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Jst a lil afterthought:::
we would all luv 2 say a big hi 2 mr. dymock hu is r tek teacher n he rox
AND Mrs. Toni Sambrook hu is havin a Mega-fantabulous bday 2day n is not goin 2 get drunk 2nite because it is her son's bday as well - he is 7 - she told me!!!
AND also 2 Miss Catherine O'Brien (I hope thats her name anyway!!!) who is also celebrating her bday 2day!!!
We hope you all have a really gr8 day (who is also not going 2 get drunk 2nite - she is saving it til saturday!!! lol!)
Hope u all had a really gr8 day n also ne1 else who happens 2 b readin this 2day
N a BIG BIG BIG thanku 2 mrs sambrook hu let me boro her laptop 2 upd8 this blog because my computer has completely busted itself (n no, it wasn't me hu broke it bcos pl probs fink that because i wld like 2 reiter8 the fact that i am not technically gifted nor minded! lol!
Luv u all!!!!!!!!!
mwah!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
we would all luv 2 say a big hi 2 mr. dymock hu is r tek teacher n he rox
AND Mrs. Toni Sambrook hu is havin a Mega-fantabulous bday 2day n is not goin 2 get drunk 2nite because it is her son's bday as well - he is 7 - she told me!!!
AND also 2 Miss Catherine O'Brien (I hope thats her name anyway!!!) who is also celebrating her bday 2day!!!
We hope you all have a really gr8 day (who is also not going 2 get drunk 2nite - she is saving it til saturday!!! lol!)
Hope u all had a really gr8 day n also ne1 else who happens 2 b readin this 2day
N a BIG BIG BIG thanku 2 mrs sambrook hu let me boro her laptop 2 upd8 this blog because my computer has completely busted itself (n no, it wasn't me hu broke it bcos pl probs fink that because i wld like 2 reiter8 the fact that i am not technically gifted nor minded! lol!
Luv u all!!!!!!!!!
mwah!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2 Weeks 6 Days!!!!
OMG JUST LOOK @ DIS ITINERARY!!! (i av finally learnt how 2 spell it!!! I am SOOOOOO proud of me!!!)
How amazing is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not 2 rub it in or anything!!! Speshly 4 those of u hu weren't quite lucky enuff 2 go. lol! Right, preparations going OK.....ish...... still 2 get: waterproof trousers, sunglasses, old trainers, thermal stuff etcetera, ETCETERA..... UMMM, yeah.
OMG RITE!!!!! WE GET 2 DO A PODCAST!!!!! how amazingly fantabulously supercalifragilisticexpiallidociously technically, SUPERBLY random!!!!
The itinerary for the trip will be as follows*:
July 4th Wednesday
Depart from London Airport pm and arrive Longyearbyen late pm
July 5th Thursday
Morning visit to Svalbard Museum
Environmental project around Longyearbyen and training on blogging for schools
July 6th Friday
Safety programme with UNIS including firearms safety and what to do if encountering a polar bear.
July 7th Saturday
Morning: Environmental project on glaciers around Longyearabyen.
Afternoon 'Crisis on Ice' with local guides and board boat for night sail to Ny Alesund.
July 8th Sunday
Arrive Ny-Alesund for briefing, tour of research park and briefings with scientists to set environmental projects for teams. Dinner with international scientist teams and presentations on Long Acre Polar Project and Kronenberg Glacier.
July 9th Monday
Breakfast on board and visit to Krossfjord Glacier and Virgehamber, a 17th Century Whaling Station.
Far Haren view where Nelson encountered polar bear 1773.
Sail further north overnight.
July 10th Tuesday
Breakfast on board and arrive at pack ice at 81° latitude.
Morning: explore pack ice with smaller boats.
Afternoon; sail to Moffen Island to see walrus colony and on to Liefdefjord to see reindeer breeding grounds and (with any luck) polar bears a at the Moarchbreen glacier view.
Sail back to Ny Aysen.
July 11th Wednesday
Morning: arrive in Ny-Alysen to report on findings of the trip.
Sail back to Longyearbyen.
July 12th Thursday
Breakfast on board and disembark Longyearbyen for glacier study with UNIS.
July 13th Friday
Dog sledding and sight seeing tour of Longyearbyen.
July 14th Saturday
Early morning flight to Oslo for visit to the Fram Museum and early evening flight back to London, Heathrow.
July 16th Monday
Back 2 Wildern, tell miss broadribb bout it, show her da video n relive da adventure!!!!! (see, told ya i wd!)
How amazing is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not 2 rub it in or anything!!! Speshly 4 those of u hu weren't quite lucky enuff 2 go. lol! Right, preparations going OK.....ish...... still 2 get: waterproof trousers, sunglasses, old trainers, thermal stuff etcetera, ETCETERA..... UMMM, yeah.
OMG RITE!!!!! WE GET 2 DO A PODCAST!!!!! how amazingly fantabulously supercalifragilisticexpiallidociously technically, SUPERBLY random!!!!
The itinerary for the trip will be as follows*:
July 4th Wednesday
Depart from London Airport pm and arrive Longyearbyen late pm
July 5th Thursday
Morning visit to Svalbard Museum
Environmental project around Longyearbyen and training on blogging for schools
July 6th Friday
Safety programme with UNIS including firearms safety and what to do if encountering a polar bear.
July 7th Saturday
Morning: Environmental project on glaciers around Longyearabyen.
Afternoon 'Crisis on Ice' with local guides and board boat for night sail to Ny Alesund.
July 8th Sunday
Arrive Ny-Alesund for briefing, tour of research park and briefings with scientists to set environmental projects for teams. Dinner with international scientist teams and presentations on Long Acre Polar Project and Kronenberg Glacier.
July 9th Monday
Breakfast on board and visit to Krossfjord Glacier and Virgehamber, a 17th Century Whaling Station.
Far Haren view where Nelson encountered polar bear 1773.
Sail further north overnight.
July 10th Tuesday
Breakfast on board and arrive at pack ice at 81° latitude.
Morning: explore pack ice with smaller boats.
Afternoon; sail to Moffen Island to see walrus colony and on to Liefdefjord to see reindeer breeding grounds and (with any luck) polar bears a at the Moarchbreen glacier view.
Sail back to Ny Aysen.
July 11th Wednesday
Morning: arrive in Ny-Alysen to report on findings of the trip.
Sail back to Longyearbyen.
July 12th Thursday
Breakfast on board and disembark Longyearbyen for glacier study with UNIS.
July 13th Friday
Dog sledding and sight seeing tour of Longyearbyen.
July 14th Saturday
Early morning flight to Oslo for visit to the Fram Museum and early evening flight back to London, Heathrow.
July 16th Monday
Back 2 Wildern, tell miss broadribb bout it, show her da video n relive da adventure!!!!! (see, told ya i wd!)
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
3 weeks and 1 day!!!!
How cool is this!!!!! Don'tcha just lurrrve this photo??? I luv it!!! This is our Nature's Angels Team! From left to right we have::: Michelle Dorrington, who is so clever it is unnatural, Ellouise Marsh, who is so imaginative it is unnatural, Me who is so arty it is unnatural and at the bottom you have Tom Channell, who is so technical it is unnatural. So.... as you can see, we are a pretty weird bunch (but hey - there's nothing wrong with being weird, now, is there?!?!?!?!?! lol!) Especially when it wins you a once in a lifetime trip to the arctic!!! I'm sure you will all be COMPLETELY DEVASTSTED to know that our preparations have suffered a MaJoR setback - I can't find any sunglasses that suit me!!!!! Buuuuuuuut apart from THAT, we're doing fine. Yay! OMG 3 weeks and 1 day!!! It's getting closer and closer - we really should be more organised, apart from Michelle who is abnormally organised with everything. Oh well, we can always dream, no, aspire (that's a much better word!) lol!
To any other winners who may be reading this, as Dan might say, happy blogging!!!!!
Still feels like it is ages away but it is creeping up on us!!! (oh well, there's still time to fit in a LITTLE more shopping b4 we go!!!) Actually really really really looking forward to it - we all are! BUT we are all really really really worried about the baggage restrictions!!! Oh well, I'm sure our hair straighteners will fit in somehow!!!
BBC breakfast and some of the regional press are also "following" us so we could be coming to your screens anytime soon! lol
mwah! luv y'all!!! :-) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To any other winners who may be reading this, as Dan might say, happy blogging!!!!!
Still feels like it is ages away but it is creeping up on us!!! (oh well, there's still time to fit in a LITTLE more shopping b4 we go!!!) Actually really really really looking forward to it - we all are! BUT we are all really really really worried about the baggage restrictions!!! Oh well, I'm sure our hair straighteners will fit in somehow!!!
BBC breakfast and some of the regional press are also "following" us so we could be coming to your screens anytime soon! lol
mwah! luv y'all!!! :-) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sunday, 10 June 2007
24 days to go!!!!
Hey Guys! Tali here (i luv using this blog!!!) We have, yet again, been shopping (cos we're not obsessed or anything.....! lol!) Finally been able to have a proper look at the itinery - O. M. G... - IT'S AMAZING!!! Can't wait to go and see the huskies; i think I might swap my 2 westies for one! lol! AND THE WALRUSES!!! Does anyone else find them really cute or is it just me????
Right, preparations are coming along splendidly. Been bombarded with requests to bring back souvenirs, the strangest one being a polar bear's whisker. Hmmmm....... Anyway, being the local celeb hasn't managed to bag me any freebies yet!!! Completely gutted. lol!
Just got some of my pictures developed from the finals day - yay! They didn't come out very well - boo! Thank God they had a professional photographer there! The one on the ice edge website's simply fantabulous! We all loved the finals day, it was V.V.V.V. nerve-wracking but I think the best thing must have been the lunches. (Jokes - although the lunches were very nice) We all enjoyed the competition as a whole and loved working as a team cos we all have different talents which, when put together, made us invincible!!!! I wish! But yeah, we love working together and had some real laughs along the way (mostly at my stupidity and clumsiness, but that's not the point!) with our MENTOR, Mrs. Katie Broadribb, who is fantastic - we LUV U MISS!!!
What did we learn from the competition? Well, we learnt all about the industry that we were researching, obviously, but the thing that has had the most impact on all of us is the damage that has already been done to our planet, and the consequences of the future if we don't do something now.
Update you again soon!
Luv y'all - MWAH!!!! :-)
Right, preparations are coming along splendidly. Been bombarded with requests to bring back souvenirs, the strangest one being a polar bear's whisker. Hmmmm....... Anyway, being the local celeb hasn't managed to bag me any freebies yet!!! Completely gutted. lol!
Just got some of my pictures developed from the finals day - yay! They didn't come out very well - boo! Thank God they had a professional photographer there! The one on the ice edge website's simply fantabulous! We all loved the finals day, it was V.V.V.V. nerve-wracking but I think the best thing must have been the lunches. (Jokes - although the lunches were very nice) We all enjoyed the competition as a whole and loved working as a team cos we all have different talents which, when put together, made us invincible!!!! I wish! But yeah, we love working together and had some real laughs along the way (mostly at my stupidity and clumsiness, but that's not the point!) with our MENTOR, Mrs. Katie Broadribb, who is fantastic - we LUV U MISS!!!
What did we learn from the competition? Well, we learnt all about the industry that we were researching, obviously, but the thing that has had the most impact on all of us is the damage that has already been done to our planet, and the consequences of the future if we don't do something now.
Update you again soon!
Luv y'all - MWAH!!!! :-)
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
4 Weeks & 1 Day!!!!
OMG!!!!!!! We are sooooooooooo excited!!!! We've been shopping ever since we found out (but then again, we never miss an excuse to go on a MASSIVE shopping spree!!! lol!)
When we got back no-one believed we had won and it took a few days to sink in! Since then we have been the local celebrities. The next day we went to the BBC Radio Solent studios and did a section live on air! It was an amazing experience and we were even treated to a look behind the scenes at the BBC South Today studios(we sat on Sally's sofa!!!!!). Also we were asked to write a press release for the Southern Daily Echo (which, as far as we know, has not yet been published!) and had pictures taken for an article on the front of the Hampshire Chronicle. Although there are the downsides - having to explain to absolutely EVERYONE exactly what we had done to enter and also about where we are going.(not that that's a bad thing.....!)
We have been looking up on the internet about Svalbard and about the whole experience and it looks FANTASTIC!!! We want to say a MASSIVE thank you to our Geography teacher Mrs Broadribb who introduced us to the competition, also helped us with our entry and organising everything!!
We are now really busy trying to focus on our environment group within school and both implementing recycling and creating a garden with herbs and possibly vegetables in the future!!!
Luv y'all!!!!!! mwah!!! x..Natures Angels..x.x
When we got back no-one believed we had won and it took a few days to sink in! Since then we have been the local celebrities. The next day we went to the BBC Radio Solent studios and did a section live on air! It was an amazing experience and we were even treated to a look behind the scenes at the BBC South Today studios(we sat on Sally's sofa!!!!!). Also we were asked to write a press release for the Southern Daily Echo (which, as far as we know, has not yet been published!) and had pictures taken for an article on the front of the Hampshire Chronicle. Although there are the downsides - having to explain to absolutely EVERYONE exactly what we had done to enter and also about where we are going.(not that that's a bad thing.....!)
We have been looking up on the internet about Svalbard and about the whole experience and it looks FANTASTIC!!! We want to say a MASSIVE thank you to our Geography teacher Mrs Broadribb who introduced us to the competition, also helped us with our entry and organising everything!!
We are now really busy trying to focus on our environment group within school and both implementing recycling and creating a garden with herbs and possibly vegetables in the future!!!
Luv y'all!!!!!! mwah!!! x..Natures Angels..x.x
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